Пример готовой дипломной работы по предмету: Английский продвинутый
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In this essay the differences and similarities between two different plays based on the same biblical episode is going to be revealed and compared. The episode with Noah is very wide-known and popular in the medieval theatre. It was used as a base both in the Towneley and N-Town cycles, but the representation of the episode in these two cycles are rather different. And the main difference is, as I think, concerns the representation of the characters in both plays.
The analysis of the Bulgarian research system has shown that it has stagnated in recent years following a prolonged period of downsizing, facing a lot of restructuring challenges, as well as very low investment in R&D in the 1990s. Bulgaria faces most of the challenges described in the Green Paper «The European Research Area: New Perspectives». The country’s EU accession has promoted the process of setting up modern governance institutions though often their existence remains mostly «on paper» with little effect on R&D policy implementation. A particularly persistent weakness of the Bulgarian R&D system re-mains the very low participation of the private sector in R&D expenditures. Bulgaria faces challenges in all four domains presented in this report, including in the coordination and coherence between them, but low R&D expenditures coupled with the increasing deficit of qualified R&D personnel are probably the biggest and hardest of them.