Пример готовой дипломной работы по предмету: Экономика
The content
Chapter 1. Features, value, and main types of consumer crediting in Russia………………………………………………
1.1. The main characteristics of consumer lending as an important area of banking activity……………………
1.2. The influence of external and internal factors on the development of the market of consumer crediting ……………………
1.3. Legal framework of regulation of consumer credit and the need for their further development……………
Chapter 2. The main directions of development of consumer credit and the conditions to improve its effectiveness…………
2.1. The analysis of priority (most important) activities of a commercial Bank in dealing with individual borrowers…….
2.2. Modern methods of assessing the creditworthiness of a borrower and forms of control over performance of obligations on consumer credit…
2.3. The use of new marketing technologies advancement lending products on the market and their significance for improving the financial performance of the Bank ……………………..
Chapter 3. Ways of improvement and prospects of development of consumer crediting in Russia……………………….
3.1. Prospects of development of remote banking services and IT technology as an innovative form of service in the field of consumer credit………………………………………
3.2. Topical issues of restructuring of consumer debt and especially refinancing of consumer loans………………………………………………………..
3.3. Strategies for promotion of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives: regional characteristics and challenges…
3.4. Preferential consumer crediting as a tool of realization of state programs……………………………… ……………………………………………………………………. References………………………………………………….. App…………………………………………………………………….
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The relevance of the study. Consumer lending is currently the most popular program in the vast majority of banking organizations of the Russian Federation. It presents a multitude of variations and can be implemented under different conditions. For those who are going to apply for a consumer loan, types of this service is extremely important. Because of different amounts and purposes has different interest rates. Loan terms also vary. Today, this kind of program can be arranged in a wide range of interest rates: from 12 to 70%. Rapidly changing user needs make providers of banking services to expand the range of services, to seek new solutions increasing the incomes corresponding to the demands of each customer. When it comes to improving the work of the Bank, is necessary, primarily to ensure the competitiveness of the offered services on credit and to compare the real incomes of the population.
The Bank needs a more thorough approach to the analysis of the creditworthiness of the customer, control over target use of the loan, the proper execution of loan collateral, etc. It should be noted that in the current situation of the development of the country there are a number of problems contributing to the condition of the Bank as a whole and in particular its lending operations to individuals. Their solutions need to develop a more efficient legislative, regulatory and methodological framework being developed by the Bank and by the Central Bank. Analysis of the dynamics of consumer crediting in the last few years has shown a steady volume growth for this type of service, however, with the onset of the financial crisis, many banks faced a problem of attraction of foreign credit resources, which immediately took its toll on lending volumes and, of course, affected the income of the population. Toughening of requirements to borrowers, temporary moratoria on certain types of lending, increase in interest rates, led to a sustained slowdown in the lending to individuals in the whole country. In light of these problems, the relevance of this topic is extremely high. The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of promising directions of consumer crediting in Russia lending in General, and highlight some of the problems that have not been resolved in the legislation of Russia and not studied or poorly studied in the legal literature. To achieve this goal, formulated the following tasks:
to define the concept and essence of consumer crediting in Russia, its specificity, and methods of promotion of credit products; to consider problems of consumer crediting, namely: how to guarantee the performance of consumer lending, the problems of execution of obligations on consumer credit, and refinancing and consumer loans; to analyze the perspective directions of consumer crediting in Russia, including: consumer loans, agricultural credit consumer cooperatives, education credits and preferential consumer credit.
The object of the research is consumer lending in Russia. Subject of research – the perspective directions of consumer crediting in Russia. The degree of scientific elaboration of the problem. Analysis of the available literature on the research subject shows that throughout the twentieth century and in the modern period interest in her was conditioned by the level of economic development of the society, and how the law governing relations in the sphere of lending was consistent with this development. So, lending was engaged in such famous scientists as M. M. Agarkov, I. S. Gurevich, O. S. Joffe, J. A. Kunik, E. A. Pavlodskii E. A. Vlasic. Individual issues of conclusion and execution of the loan agreement is dedicated to the works I.e. Abowei, R. S. Bevzenko, A. E. Bonner, V. Veteranskogo, V. G. Golyshev, V. V. Grachev, N. N. Zakharova, R. I. Karimullin, D. A. Medvedeva, L. A. Novoselova, O. M. Oleynik, O. N. Sadikova, L. V. Sannikova, N. I. Solovyanenko, S. K. Solomin, E. A. Sukhanova, G. A. Tosunian, etc. Consumer lending is dedicated to the works of authors G. N. Beloglazova, S. A. Gurianova, E. F. Zhukova, V. V. Zrazhevski, Yuri I. Korobov, L. P. Kroleveckiy, O. I. Lavrushin, V. A. Pereboeva, V. M. Usoskin, E. A. Utkina, N. D. Eriashvili, etc. To achieve the goals and objectives of the thesis research was the structural — logical scheme. The work consists of three chapters, divided into ten sections.
Список использованной литературы
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