Пример готовой дипломной работы по предмету: Языки (переводы)
English use in many countries around the world. Such a relatively large spread of English is due to historical and economic reasons. One of the first countries in Europe, has become the path of colonial conquest in various parts of the world, England propagated the English language in their political and economic domination by suppressing national culture and languages of the conquered peoples. The spread of the English language in different countries can be explained by the fact that at the turn of the XX century. American imperialists began its expansion outside the United States and several countries subdued.
English, transferred into new territory and cut off from the language of the mother country, is subject to various changes. First, there are new features and fixed in colloquial speech and almost not observed in the official written language. Under the influence of pronunciation skills of the people inhabiting this territory, it is subject to change especially pronunciation.
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As Jane Fonda, the famous American actress, writer and producer said: "When I am in Canada, I understand the whole world."
Canada — a beautiful country with many historical settlements, divine scenery, numerous nature reserves and national parks, waterfalls (the most famous of which are the Niagara Falls), lands of lakes and rivers with a rich culture.
But not only all noticed above is worthy of attention in this country. Canada also can be interesting from a linguistic way: There is very extraordinary linguistic situation in Canada, two languages in this country are considered as official languages, English and French, although English dominates (58%).
About 17% of the population are fluent in both languages, most of these people live in Quebec. Andwe should not forget about the various Canadian dialects. In addition, the location is very close to the United States, so it could not be without the influence of American English on the Canadian languag
Список использованной литературы
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