Пример готовой дипломной работы по предмету: Языкознание и филология
1.1 What is text: definition of the concept 6
1.2 Peculiarities of economic texts 9
2.1 Specifics of translating lexis in economic text 16
2.2 Methods of translating lexis in economic texts 24
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The subject of the research is especially acute because of the rapid development and improvement of international economic relations. economic text translation is required in various situations. For instance, there are letters of intent, agreements, commercial offers and other documents of organizations dealing in the sphere of international trade. There are also economic reviews in business editions and these reviews are usually published in English. In addition, official and legal texts on economic issues deserve a special mention. They must be translated in a strong accordance with the rules of linguistic equivalence and adequacy, because misunderstanding of the rules can cause misunderstanding of key issues of economic cooperation. Lexical problems of economic text translation are interesting because economic and business terminology is rather different in different languages and business cultures. Nowadays there are attempts to unify business terminology.
There are two basic ways to unify business terminology. The first one is improvement of international communication in business sphere. People from different countries deciding to communicate on business purpose use English. So, business community has elaborated so called “business English” to understand each other better. The second way to unify business terminology is connected with official commercial texts that are in English. There are bilateral and multilateral treaties, unifications of commercial rules or lex mercatoria and other international binding documents on different questions in the field of economics.
The object of the research is economic text in English and in Russian.
The subject of the research is economic text translation from Russian into English and from English into Russian. There are particularities of economic text translations and there are problems connected with lexical items.
The methodology of the research is determined by the combination of philosophical methods (for instance, an analysis, a synthesis and a comparative method) and special methods of linguistics. Some specialized methods deserve special mentioning. Comparative method is necessary to show the difference in economic vocabulary in Russian and in English. The method of text analysis or discourse analysis is necessary because the third part of the research paper is devoted to practice. Text and translation are categories of different sciences, such as comparative linguistics, translation studies, semiotics, psycholinguistics and other related sciences. All these sciences have their own methods that can be used in the present research paper.
The goal of the present research paper is to investigate lexical problems in economic text translation, to reveal different approaches to economic text translation and to elaborate advices for translators on the investigated subject.
For achieving the above-mentioned goal one should tackle the following tasks:
- to create a definition to the concept of “text”;
- to specify the particularities of economic texts;
- to analyze specifics of translating lexis in economic text
- to analyze methods of translating lexis in economic texts ;
- to investigate lexical aspect in economic texts’ translation;
- to check theoretical conclusions in practice.
The problem of specialized text translation (including economic text translation) was researched by many linguists in Russian and abroad. There are also different scientific articles written by economists, because economists are used to deal with economic texts in origin and in translation. Economic texts also can be different: there are financial texts, marketing texts, banking texts, business texts and other texts describing special area, field of economics. These texts also can be scientific or popular.
There are some scientific works on the subject of the present paper deserving a special mention. They are written by Andrea Rosalia Olteanu, O.V. Babenko, Frank Boers, A. Dvorak and V. Novak, Jianjun Wang and Yize Fan, Jonathan Charteris-Black, Mihaela Vasiloaia, N.L. Nikulshina and N.A. Gunina, Pinfan Zhu.
The academic novelty of the present research paper is that there is no complex analysis of lexical problems in the sphere of economic translation nowadays. There are special researches of translation studies and there are special researches of economic terminology in native languages of the authors of such researches. The present research paper is an attempt to combine linguistic and economic knowledge and to describe the ways to solve lexical problems of economic text translation.
The theoretical significance of the review is extremely high because the research can be helpful for postgraduate students writing their thesis or research papers and for students of the departments of translation studies. It worth mentioning that there are different textbooks on business English, but in spite of this fact there is no contemporary fundamental works on the problems of theory of translation of specialized texts in the field of economics. So, the research paper might be useful for junior scientist planning to study linguistics. As the subject of the present research is connected with lexical aspects, methods of lexicology might be the most appropriate.
The practical significance is determined by providing translators and economists working in international corporations with new information in their professional field. Therefore they can use new information in their daily work. This research paper helps them to achieve equivalent and adequate translation in complicated cases.
The structure of the present review is defined by the introduction, three parts and the conclusion. The first part is about theoretical background. It includes a paragraph about the concept of text and a paragraph about essence of specialized texts’ translation. The second part is connected with the methods and lexical aspects of economic texts’ translation. The third part contains analysis of economic texts’ translation from English into Russian.
Practical part consists of translation examples’ analysis.
There are 70 sentences that are examples in this research paper. There are examples from official texts, from contracts on economic matters, from classic scientific works on economics and from business press. All the examples are provided by the comments.
The sources are the following:
- Convention on the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;
- Templates of agreements;
- Webmoney agreements;
- FATF official documents;
- Kenneth Arrow “Social choice and individual values”;
- Michael Porter “Competitive Strategy”;
- Euronews (section “Business”).
As one can see, all the examples in the practical part of the present research paper are connected with economics, but these examples from different sources are various. They have different style, different purpose of communication and different audience. There are scientific texts (Kenneth Arrow “Social choice and individual values” and Michael Porter “Competitive Strategy”), official texts (Convention on the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, FATF official documents) and popular texts, business press news (Euronews – section “Business”).
There are classic economic texts (Kenneth Arrow “Social choice and individual values”) and modern texts (Webmoney agreements).
So, this variety will help to reveal all the peculiarities of economic text translation and study methods of translating professional lexis.
Список использованной литературы
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