Пример готовой дипломной работы по предмету: Языкознание и филология
Introduction 3
1 Advertisement as a special type of discourse 5
1.1 Linguistic and imagery specifics of the advertisement discourse 5
1.2 Symbolism in the advertisement discourse 12
1.3 National and cultural specifics of the advertisement discourse 15
2 Approaches to advertising translation based on the cultural differences 20
2.1 Translation as a means of cultural transfer 20
2.2 Translation of the advertising discourse 26
2.2 Specifics of Russian, English, French advertising discourse 31
3 Peculiarities of translation of the advertisement discourse with national and cultural specifics 36
2.1 Translation of the Russian advertisement discourse with cultural specifics 36
2.2 Translation of the English advertisement discourse with cultural specifics 40
2.3 Translation of the French advertisement discourse with cultural specifics 45
Conclusion 48
References 50
Dictionaries 55
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Interaction of different cultures and peoples has never been closer than nowadays, thank to different modern technologies. But despite this the interaction countries and peoples retain their cultural peculiarities.
Cultural specifics reflect in many aspects of our life, even when we do not understand this reflection or do not guess about its existence. Advertisement discourse often uses the images of everyday life and these images also often have cultural specifics. Various cultural references and symbols are also used in advertisement. If the goods produced in one country and sold and marketed in the other, it may be difficult to transfer the adaptation of advertising from one country to another. This problem includes the cultural adaptation of the images and video, but mainly it deals with the translation of advertising texts and slogans.
The object of our paper is “Cultural peculiarities of translation in Advertisement Discourse (based on Russian, English and French)”.
Every culture chosen for the study has its own specifics in culture of advertisement and of culture in general. For example for a very long period of time there was no commercial advertisement in Russia in Western meaning of this word, but since the end of Communism, adverts for Western products have been flooding onto the Russian market. This couldn’t but reflect the culture of advertisement in Russia.
The timeliness of our research is defined by the role that advertisement plays in our culture. There are many studies on this topic, but in our research we are going to compare three languages and specifics of the translation of the advertisement from one language to the other.
The goal of our study is analyses of the cultural peculiarities in translation of Advertisement Discourse into Russian, English and French.
This problem defines several tasks of the study:
to characterize advertisement as a special type of discourse;
to define the concept of the translation;
to specify the peculiarities of the modern Russian, English and French advertisement discourse;
to analyse the specifics of the advertising translation in Russian, English and French culture.
The object of the paper is cultural peculiarities and the subject is their reflection in the translation of the certain national kinds of the advertisement discourse.
Structure of the paper. It includes introduction, two chapters, conclusion and the references (63 points, including the list of dictionaries).
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