Пример готового доклада по предмету: Английский продвинутый
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These subtypes have a number of distinguishing features at all levels — lexical, morphological and syntactic.Business correspondence is one of the main ways of communication of enterprises, organizations and institutions with the world within the official functional style.
С изменением парадигмы обучения иностранным языкам в условиях современной образовательной системы изменилось и направление в обучении: дисциплинарная модель сменилась личностно-ориентированной. Таким образом, в центре внимания при разработке методик преподавания иностранного языка оказывается ребенок, его внутренний мир, а не сам процесс обучения иностранным языкам. Почему же согласно новым стандартам образования обучение иностранному языку начинается в начальной школе? С одной стороны, этого требуют сами стандарты, но с другой – психологической – стороны, раннее обучение иностранному языку является наиболее благоприятным, т.к. в раннем возрасте дети лучше усваивают иноязычную речь, что объясняется их способностью к подражанию.
Эссе на английском языке по заданию
The results of the scenario-based forecasting calculations of the dynamic of the basic macroeconomic indicators of RF evidenced that the average annual price level for oil (Urals) was assumed at the level of USD 41/barrel, while the capital outflow from the country (with account of the article “Omissions and mistakes” of the balance of payments) was set at the level of USD 80bn. The volume of the federal budget expenditures was assumed to amount to Rb. 9.69trln, with the federal budget deficit financed primarily from the Reserve Fund of RF. The Euro/USD exchange rate was assumed to remain stable at the level of USD 1.35/Euro. It was the most probable scenario (the basic one) in the frame of which Russia has a chance to survive through the year with minimal macroeconomic shocks, which might form a favorable starting position for exiting from the crisis and will lead to higher level of economic relations with other countries.
Материалом для исследования служат способы выражения экстралингвистической информации, отобранные методом сплошной выборки из произведений Э. Xемингуэя. Примеры подбирались большей частью в независимости от контекста и на основании изученного нами теоретического материала и собственных выводов, сделанных на основании этого материала.
Материалом для исследования служат способы выражения экстралингвистической информации, отобранные методом сплошной выборки из произведений Э. Xемингуэя. Примеры подбирались большей частью в независимости от контекста и на основании изученного нами теоретического материала и собственных выводов, сделанных на основании этого материала.
If A fails to pay a certain sum on a certain day, or to deliver a lecture on a certain night, after having made a binding promise to do so, the damages which he has to pay are recovered in accordance with his consent that some or all of the harms which may be caused by his failure shall fall upon him. But when A assaults or slanders his neighbor, or converts his neighbor’s property, he does a harm which he has never consented to bear, and if the law makes him pay for it, the reason for doing so must be found in some general view of the conduct which every one may fairly expect and demand from every other, whether that other has agreed to it or not.
It connections with appearance of new goods, methods of business and development of enterprises.That’s why the aim of our study is to determine the preferences and deficiencies of business conditions in Russia and China.In our work we based on scientific research of Truntjagina, Glenn, Popov, Ketchen, Bensoussan and others.
Список источников информации
1. Christopher P. Victoria’s Secret Is Sexy Again // Bloomberg Business week. December 4, 2006. Groves M. Victoria’s Secret Won’t Keep Secret Anymore // Los Angeles Times, September 18, 1989.
2. Lodish L.M., Morgan H.L., Archambeau S. Marketing That Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any Sized Company. Pearson Education. p. 30, March 21, 2007.
3. Melise R. Internet crimes, torts and scams: investigation and remedies. Oxford University Press. January 15, 2010.
4. Sanders T. Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends. Random House Digital, Inc. pp. 34-37, July 22, 2003.
5. Quick R. Victoria’s Secret Has Lesson for the Web: Lingerie Exerts Pull – ‘Cybercast’ of Underwear Was Such a Smash That Many Were Left Out in Cold // The Wall Street Journal, February 5, 1999
6. Traub M., Lisa Marsh Marvin Traub: Like No Other Career. – Assouline Publishing Corporation. pp. 145– 173, September 15, 2008.
7. Wedlan C. «The Pillar of Panties» // Los Angeles Times. August 11, 2000.
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