Пример готового доклада по предмету: Строительство и архитектура
1. History of Technology of Contour Crafting vs
2. Use of Technology of Contour Crafting vs
3. How Contour Crafting works
4. Future developments
Reference List
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10) There seems to be almost universal agreement that the traditional methods of storing and searching for information are not efficient enough at the present time and will become less so in the future.
Тема выпускной квалификационной работы (ВКР) звучит как “Концепция маркетинговой деятельности в сети Интернет и оценка ее эффективности”.Цель ВКР состоит в раскрытии концепций маркетинговой деятельностии маркетинговых стратегий в сети Интернет и оценке эффективности проводимой кампании для организации.
At present, the major institutions are special research units (laboratories, sectors), whose responsibilities include the development of forecasts in the field of physical culture and sports. The object of study — elite sport.
Going from a command to a market economy it can not be done in a few days or months. It's a long, measured decade of transition, which includes a series of sequential steps. In Russia semi haphazard transition to the market it has lasted for more than a decade.
Today the majority of language schools and courses of foreign languages name the system of communicative educational methods the leading one. Our project is no exception, but for minor reservations. We use a complex system in which we combine classical grammar and communicative methods, as each of them has its pros and cons.
There are some scientific works on the subject of the present paper deserving a special mention. They are written by Andrea Rosalia Olteanu, O.V. Babenko, Frank Boers, A. Dvorak and V. Novak, Jianjun Wang and Yize Fan, Jonathan Charteris-Black, Mihaela Vasiloaia, N.L. Nikulshina and N.A. Gunina, Pinfan Zhu.
The problem of specialized text translation (including economic text translation) was researched by many linguists in Russian and abroad. There are also different scientific articles written by economists, because economists are used to deal with economic texts in origin and in translation. Economic texts also can be different: there are financial texts, marketing texts, banking texts, business texts and other texts describing special area, field of economics. These texts also can be scientific or popular.
Список источников информации
. Behrokh Khoshnevis. Degussa AG Will Work on USC ‘House-Printing’ Project, Published: March 17, 2004 Available from: http://motionbull.com/contourcrafting 3/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ISI.pdf [ 15 November 2015]
2. Behrokh Khoshnevis. NSF-Supported Researcher Builds “The Most Historic Wall Since the Great Wall of China” .Published: April 27, 2004 Available from: http://motionbull.com/contourcrafting 3/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/NSF.pdf [ 17 November 2015]
3. Maragaret Wertheim. Robots That Build (but Still Won’t Do Windows).
March 11, 2004, Available from: http://motionbull.com/contourcrafting 3/wpcontent/uploads/2012/08/NYT.pdf
[ 15 November 2015]
4.Max Glaskin. Robot builder could ‘print’ houses. Published: 10 March 2004 Available from: http://motionbull.com/contourcrafting 3/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/newscientist.pdf [16 November 2015]
5. Meghan Stromberg, Can Robots Solve Labor Crunch? Published: September 05, 2003, Avaialble from: http://motionbull.com/contourcrafting 3/wpcontent/uploads/2012/08/Professional_Builder.pdf [ 16 November 2015]
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