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Critical reflection on globalisation on specific country. Identify how countries have coped with globalisation. (Japan) Содержание
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If you’ve ever conducted business with multiple cultures, the first thing you may have noticed is that each culture views personal space differently. Some cultures from the Middle East, for example, feel comfortable with closer physical proximity, while others, like Americans, value personal space and feel uncomfortable if someone gets too close.
The issue of international marketing and financial investments in foreign markets, as well as the origin and development of multinational companies have long studied by researchers world-wide. In the last decade between the marketers and the leading economists of the country is an active debate on the theme of the ability of companies with a large scale to have a significant impact on the situation on any market, competitive activity, and stimulate scientific and technical process of the countries in which they are presented.
The analysis of the Bulgarian research system has shown that it has stagnated in recent years following a prolonged period of downsizing, facing a lot of restructuring challenges, as well as very low investment in R&D in the 1990s. Bulgaria faces most of the challenges described in the Green Paper «The European Research Area: New Perspectives». The country’s EU accession has promoted the process of setting up modern governance institutions though often their existence remains mostly «on paper» with little effect on R&D policy implementation. A particularly persistent weakness of the Bulgarian R&D system re-mains the very low participation of the private sector in R&D expenditures. Bulgaria faces challenges in all four domains presented in this report, including in the coordination and coherence between them, but low R&D expenditures coupled with the increasing deficit of qualified R&D personnel are probably the biggest and hardest of them.
List of Literature
1.Jackson G., Miyajima Н. Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Markets: Mergers and Acquisitions in Japan, Germany, France, the UK and USA // RIETI Discussion Paper, 2007
2.Levitt, Theodore. Globalization of markets. Harvard Business Review, 1983
3.Mittelman J. H. Globalisation Critical Reflections, Boulder, Colo: Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc, 1996
4.Stiglitz, Joseph E. Globalisation and its Discontents, New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 2002
5.»The Frontier Within: Individual Empowerment and Better Governance in the New Millennium,» Prime Minister’s Commission on Japan’s Goals in the 21st Century. January 2000
6.http://www.kisc.meiji.ас.jp/~yamawaki/gmj/debates.htm Women and Globalization
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