Пример готового доклада по предмету: Английский продвинутый
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Oil and gas sector was one of the first to have implemented CSR practices in Russia. At all stages of the product supply activities of these companies have a negative impact on the environment. Moreover, major CSR schemes aimed at the development of the regions were created, introduced and implemented.
There are four intact cycles that remain from the era: Wakefield, York, Chester, and N-town. The Wakefield Cycle (or Towneley cicle) was the most comedic and irreverent of the four, often mentioning contemporary events.
Actuality of the theme research is primarily determined by the importance of the study of the grammatical structure of the language, as the understanding of the structure of language is one of the most important aspects of its study. The consideration of interrogative sentences in the two languages is also of great interest, as the question is an important means to comprehend the truth, and the word order of the interrogative sentence is a way of language using this means in practice
Shipping – the branch which is engaged in transportation of the goods and passengers by waterways. Passenger operations were the greatest component of shipping; however airline traffic has considerably limited this sector of branch. Substantial growth, however, in some types of cargo, for example, oil, more than have compensated loss in passenger transportations. Though crude materials, such as mineral ores, coal, wood, grain and other foodstuff make a considerable and still growing share of cargo transportation by sea, transportation of the industrial goods has essentially grown since the Second World War.
Building a training program based around the enhancement of intercultural skills helps employers in the long run. Most companies are going global, and even if their main workforce is in the United States (or is local), in order to compete with larger companies their workers must have a solid understanding of how to interact with other cultures. Even within the U.S., those living in New York might be used to doing business differently from those who live in Florida or anywhere in the south. Proper education about specific cultures is important, due to geographical differences wherever you live. There are important social cues that need to be observed and adapted to, depending on where you are. We’ve come up with a few tips to help you get started.
The topicality of the research is explained by the profound interest of the modern linguists in the linguacultural aspect of the phraseological units and the numerals taken separately. In our research we combine these two language units, because, according to our provisional hypothesis, the numerals in the phraseological units show the linguacultural specifics being closely related to the mentality of the nation.
Список источников информации
1. Востряков Л. Современный музейный менеджмент // Л. Востряков. URL: http://www.culture 29.ru/upload/medialibrary/815/815f 17ac 8721ef 1129cf 7a 777ff 0b 692.pdf .
2. Ирина Лебедева: «В Третьяковской галерее есть все!». URL: http://www.theartnewspaper.ru/posts/165/.
3. Концепция музея Находка. URL: http://www.museum-nakhodka.ru/mvts-nakhodka/o-muzee/kontseptsiya/8-mvts-nakhodka/o-muzee.
4. Третьяковская галерея. URL: http://www.tretyakovgallery.ru/.
5. SWOT analysis. URL: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_05.htm.
6. SWOT analysis for Natural History Museum. URL: https://prezi.com/shqm_cloz_vm/swot-analysis-for-natural-history-museum-on-260214/.
7. What is SWOT analysis and why should you use one? URL: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/swot-analysis/main.
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