Пример готового доклада по предмету: Английский продвинутый
1. The process of integration of Germany into EU…………………………..3
2. Germany in the EU(basis on the period to explain germany’s opinion to EU : policy, ecolomy, public opinion etc) ………………………………………..…….4
3. Germany presidencies in EU……………………….…………………….7
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The main focus of this discussion will be on addressing the roots and future of the relationship between Ukraine and Russia as well as the benefits for Ukrainian civil society if Ukraine were to join the EU community. This topic is significant because it explores the current political and economic strategies used by Russia and the EU as well as reactions from the Ukrainian community.
Актуальность темы предлагаемого исследования заключается в том, что Европейский Союз является влиятельным участником мирового сообщества, на сегодняшний день, и одним из трех основных и наиболее развитых центров современного мира. А Великобритания играет в нем одну из ведущих ролей, так как стоит у истоков его существования.
Проблемы сотрудничества России и ЕС
Проблемы и вызовы международной валютной системы(Problems and challenges of the international monetary system)
Within our dissertation work we conducted a survey of over 500 HR and business leaders in more than 30 countries worldwide to explore how HR priorities and challenges have changed during the global economic downturn. Hudson’s study indicates that during this current economic crisis, the focus is not only on cost cutting through right-sizing, but also on talent engagement, talent development, and the retention of talent key to the organization’s success.
Policies affecting young people cover a wide range of activities from education, health and housing to employment, criminal justice and participation in public life. This means an increasingly important role for youth policy within mainstream politics which requires a more integrated approach to the needs of young people, intensified contact with youth organizations and further involvement in practical activities such as youth work, non-formal approaches to education, volunteering and development.
Объектом исследования является процесс модернизации государственного управления. Предмет исследования – управленческие отношения, опосредствующие процесс внедрения механизмов электронного правительства на уровне субъектов Российской Федерации.
Finally, I can go on to talk about the goal of my essay. I obviously want to disclose the nature and structure of the United Arabian Emirates’ financial system in a market economy and its development trends.
1. Held D. Global Transformations / D. Held, Mc. Graw, D. Gold, J. Perration. – Oxford, 1999.
2. Deutsche Welle. — Режим доступу: http://www.dw.de.
3. Migrationsbericht 2012 des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge im Auftrag der Bundesregierung / Bundesministerium des Innern.
4. Statistics / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development: http://unctad.org.
5. Yergin D. The Commanoting Heights. The Battle Between Government and the Marketplace. That is Remaking th список литературы