Пример готового доклада по предмету: Английский продвинутый
What measures have been taken by Conservative-Liberal Democrat government in the UK to encourage or control private enterprise since May 2010? Содержание
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In that context the globalized discourses of Buddhism, whose central theme is the reduction of suffering, have been taken up to provide a narrative of hope and a transformed masculinity. What is more, some Buddhism practices, notably meditation and mindfulness, have positive psychotherapeutic value in the management of the emotional discontents of modernity. There is an ample range of them which is caused by sub-division of Buddhism after Buddha’s death, but in the given research only traditional Buddhism’s values are to be looked at.
If you’ve ever conducted business with multiple cultures, the first thing you may have noticed is that each culture views personal space differently. Some cultures from the Middle East, for example, feel comfortable with closer physical proximity, while others, like Americans, value personal space and feel uncomfortable if someone gets too close.
?http://unpan 1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/un/unpan 006231.pdf
? http://www.communities.gov.uk/localgovernment/local/localenterprisepartnerships/
4 http://www.myfinances.co.uk/insurance/2011/03/28/cameron-backs-new-businesses-with-startup-britain-scheme
5 http://www.fundsforngos.org/bilateral-funds-for-ngos/dfid-has-funding-schemes-for-ngos/
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