Эссе по предмету: Экономика на английском языке (Пример)
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The research is held on the material of articles taken from the popular newspapers of the USA and Great Britain, such as “The New Yorker”, “Project Syndicate”, “Bloomberg”, “The Washington Post”, “New Statesman”, “Watch”, and “Forbes”.
The second chapter discusses the analysis of firm behavior in a monopoly, which is supplemented by examples and practice of the Russian JSC «Gazprom». The objective is to examine the behavior of JSC «Gazprom» in the conditions of monopoly, review of the reforms, undertaken by the company.
Microeconomics, like macroeconomics, is a fundamental method for analyzing the economy as a system. It treats households and firms interacting through individual markets as irreducible elements of the economy, given scarcity and government regulation. A market might be for a product, say fresh corn, or the services of a factor of production, say bricklaying. The theory considers aggregates of quantity demanded by buyers and quantity supplied by sellers at each possible price per unit. It combines these together to describe how the market may reach equilibrium as to price and quantity or respond to market changes over time.
Важной особенностью финансовых временных рядов является «кластеризация волатильности». Это свойство выражается в том, что если был промежуток времени с высокой волатильностью, то за ним последует промежуток тоже с высокой волатильностью, если же был период низкой волатильности, то за ним будет такой же [Mandelbrot 1963].
Иными словами, волатильность обладает некой инерцией.
The problem of specialized text translation (including economic text translation) was researched by many linguists in Russian and abroad. There are also different scientific articles written by economists, because economists are used to deal with economic texts in origin and in translation. Economic texts also can be different: there are financial texts, marketing texts, banking texts, business texts and other texts describing special area, field of economics. These texts also can be scientific or popular.
The problem of specialized text translation (including economic text translation) was researched by many linguists in Russian and abroad. There are also different scientific articles written by economists, because economists are used to deal with economic texts in origin and in translation. Economic texts also can be different: there are financial texts, marketing texts, banking texts, business texts and other texts describing special area, field of economics. These texts also can be scientific or popular.
В качестве источника эмпирических данных было использовано Европейское социальное исследование (European Social Survey – ESS).
База данных состоит из информации о более чем 28 тысячах индивидов, проживающих в
1. европейских странах и опрощенных в 2014 году.
1. Beinhocker E. (2006) The Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity and the Radical Remaking of Economics, Random House Business Books.
2. Broome J. (2005) Why economics needs ethical theory, Pelican Record, 42: 80-8.
3. Dequech D. (2008) Neoclassical, mainstream, orthodox, and heterodox economics, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 30(2): 279-302.
4. Hodgson G.M. (2007) Evolutionary and institutional economics as the new mainstream? Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 4 (1) 7-25.
5. Nelson J.A. (2006) Economics for Humans, University of Chicago Press.
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