Эссе по предмету: Английский продвинутый (Пример)
Эссе на тему: How ideas of the book can be applied to the modern business environment Содержание
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Конституционно-правовые принципы судоустройства — это те основополагающие идеи, которые определяют организацию, структуру и деятельность судебной системы.
1. Ansoff, H.I. 1965 Corporate Strategy, Harmondsworth: Penguin (and successiveeditions).
2. Berlin, I. 1979:“Against the Current” in The Originality of Machiavelli, London: The Hogarth Press.
3. Burckhardt, J. 1960 The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy: an essay, London: Phaidon (and successive editions), Part II. (The classic exposition of the nature of Renaissance man and the emergence of individualism.)
4. Coyle, M. (ed.) 1995 Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince: New Interdisciplinary Essays, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
5. Hale, J.R. (ed.) 1961) The Literary Works of Machiavelli, Oxford: Oxford University Press. HarperCollins.1993, The Civilisation of Europe in the Renaissance, London:
- 6. Machiavelli, N. (1961) The Prince, trans. G.Bull, Harmondsworth: Penguin. (Used for all quotations from The Prince. The most convenient Italian text of The Prince is published by Feltrinelli (Milan) in the Opere containing Il Principe e Discorsi.)
7. (1996) Discourses on Livy, trans. H.C.Mansfield and N.Tarcov, Chicago, IL: Chicago
8. University Press. (Another recent translation of the Discorsi into English is the revised Penguin edition from L.Walker.)
9. Mallett, M. 1969 The Borgias, The Rise and Fall of a Renaissance Dynasty, London: Bodley Head
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