Эссе по предмету: Экономика на английском языке (Пример)
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Following the system of communicative methods, one acquires oral speech practices and speaks any foreign language fluently. The first stage of studying is dedicated to memorising words and word collocations, and only after a time some grammar rules are explained and drilled. The mother tongue is never used as a facilitator language with this educational system. New grammar rules and patterns are introduced in role-plays and in-class games. Audio-visual aids are also frequently used.
I would like to say a few words about the organizational structure of my company. It was founded five years ago. Mister N was appointed the Managing Director a year ago. He runs the company and is assisted by four executive managers. There are several departments at our company. The Human Resources Department is responsible for personnel, training and management development; The Corporate Finance and Accounting are taken care of by the Finance Department; The Management Services Department is in charge of rationalization throughout the company. The Creative Department has to think up new ways of presenting the product to the public. The Media Department buys space in newspapers and magazines or on TV or radio. The Marketing Department is responsible for analyzing sales figures. There is also a Research Department which watches the consumer and works closely with the regions on new product development.
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A family — families, a tax — taxes, a woman — women, a team — teams, a tooth — teeth, а telephone — telephones, a friend — friends, a manager — managers, a laborato ry — laboratories, a foot — feet, а businessman — businessmen, a wife — wives, a city — cities, a fax — faxes, a shelf — shelves, a German — Germans, а child — children, a deer — deer, a tomato — tomatoes, a day — days, a datum — data, a photo — photos.
9. Разработать систему мер по совершенствованию действующего законодательства в политике нефтяной и газовой промышленности и налоговой России, а также сокращению участия государства в промышленности.
В условиях глобализации и высокой зависимости от мировых цен энергоносителей темпы экономического роста России тесно связаны темпами роста мировой экономики. Наблюдающаяся нестабильность на мировом финансовом рынке зеркально отражается на финансовом рынке нашей страны в виде падающих доходов как населения, так и юридических лиц. Все это не может не сказаться на качестве кредитного портфеля, определяемого долей неработающих ссуд в нем. Этими фактами обусловлена актуальность и своевременность настоящего исследования.
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Accounting standards and the economics of standards. Accounting and Business Research, vol. 39. no. 3.
3. Young, P., Guenther, A., Financial Reporting Environments at International Capital Mobility. Journal of Accounting Researches. 2012. список литературы