Эссе по предмету: Экономика (Пример)
Introduction 3
1. Company 4
2Country analysis 5
2.1 Economic environment 5
2.2 Cultural environment 9
2.3. Political/legal environment 11
3 Components of market entry strategy 12
Conclusion 14
List of literature 15
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The objective is to prove that even in the global context we should take into account the specifics of the business and consumer behavior in different countries and regions for the successful business ventures.
Entry barriers to the foreign and domestic market for manufacturers of jewelry items are factors of objective or subjective nature, due to which it is difficult for new firms sometimes impossible to start a business, while the firms which already are operating in these markets needn’t fear competition.
В работе над первой главой были использованы труды Ф. Котлера, П. Дойля, М. Портера, Дж. М.Эванса, Б. Бермана. При изучении инструментов и приемов, применяемых в стратегической и маркетинговой деятельности были использованы работы Р.А. Фатхутдинова, О. Виханского, В.Е. Хруцкого, И.В. Корнеевой, Б. Уткина и др. Однако при работе с имеющейся литературой был сделан вывод о том, что проблема управления стратегической информационной системой на предприятии пока недостаточно разработана, что делает данное исследование еще более актуальным.
In the first place the company should size its possibilities deeply: whether it is ready to become a multinational company and get to the international market. The decision depends on many factors: the company must have sufficient circulating capital, its administrators and employees should have enough high proficiency, etc. But the company has to take into account other factors as well. Much turns on the nature of product the company sets out on the market. The examination of competing firms can not be underestimated. May be it is meaningless to try to sell Russian agricultural commodities in Switzerland, electronics in Japan. On the other size of coin something conceptually new must be evaluated as well, whether it would be in demand in other countries. For example, Ukrainian bacon would be scarcely in demand in Great Britain. Any way much attention should be paid to advertising, in what connection
В качестве объекта данной работы выступает международна фармацевтическая компания Zambon (ФК «Замбон»), предметом исследования является деятельность предприятия здравоохранения в условиях выхода на новые рынки.
1. CIA World Factbook
2. Diagnostics and development of strategy of growth. Analysis of Ukraine pharmaceutical market. //http://www.provisor.com.ua/archive/2000/N15/diagnoz.php
3. Gitsman Yu.VIII Annual analytical conferen«Pharmaceutical market of Ukraine– 2013»//http://www.apteka.ua/article/211227
4. Pinchuk A. Investment potential of Ukrain pharmaceutical market Инвестиционный //MisterBlister, 2011.- № 9
5. Ptotek Pharma; reliable fundament of stable growth//Apteka, 2011.-430 (9)
6. Ukrain pharmaceutical market:reslts and perspectives //http://udoktora.net/farmryinok-ukrainyi-itogi-i-perspektivyi-63271/
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