Эссе по предмету: Английский продвинутый (Пример)
In nowadays world we have lots of structures, schemes and approaches nearly for every piece of our life. Some of them are completely consciously recognizable but some of them need to be studied more effectively, for example, marketing techniques. Although we can easily understand this term without finding out its definition in a vocabulary, it can be different to find a right way to the understanding of marketing techniques and gender differences for management.
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I would like to say a few words about the organizational structure of my company. It was founded eight years ago. The company produces consumer goods. Our Managing Director runs the company. Also there are several departments at our company. The Administrative Department is responsible for personnel, IT-software and office equipment; accounting, rapid movements of finance and credit financing are taken care of by the Finance Department; The Supply and Logistics Department is in charge of purchases of raw materials and transportation services. The Sales Department is responsible for marketing. The Production Department consists of production units, the Technology Department and the Chief Mechanic Department…
– After the commission had tested product samples, it recommended it for production. – I will be sent for an internship to London.
The Human Resources Department is responsible for selection, adaptation, personnel development and systems of motivation; management accounting and reporting are taken care of by the Finance Department; the Legal Department deals with claim correspondence, jurisprudence and analysis of the profile legislation changes.
Экономическая психология развивается чрезвычайно интенсивно, как в нашей стране, так и за рубежом, а исследование гендерных аспектов экономических явлений и потребительского поведения в том числе, находится в фокусе внимания исследователей. При этом в России эта тема рассматривается больше в контексте карьерных перспектив женщин, (О. М. Здравомыслова, А. О. Владимирская, А. Е. Чирикова), гендерных аспектов
Tasks of work: to describe the essence and mechanisms of sponsorship, to set examples of beneficial use of shirts as a marketing tool, to compare the results of partnership between sponsors and football clubs, to highlight the most profitable deal between the Chevrolet Company and Manchester United, the origin of the Chevrolet emblem and rules of placing logos on football shirts.
Методы исследования. В ходе исследования были использованы социологические методы исследования, метод сравнения и сопоставления, методы статистической обработки данных. Оценка психологической атмосферы осуществлялась с помощью методики А.Ф. Фидлера . В исследовании приняли участие 203 студента. В исследовании приняли участие 203 студента нефизкультурных вузов.