Эссе по предмету: Английский продвинутый (Пример)
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At all stages of the product supply activities of these companies have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, companies are paying more attention to the impact they have on society and the environment. Moreover, major CSR schemes aimed at the development of the regions were created, introduced and implemented.
Azhar Kazmi — Business policy and strategic management 2nd edition, 2004
G.Johnson, K.Scholes, R.Whittington “Exploring Corporate Strategy”, Prentice Hall, 2002
Jemison, David B.. 1981. Organizational versus Environmental Sources of Influence in Strategic Decision Making. Strategic Management Journal 2, no. 1 (January 1): 77. http://www.proquest.com/ (accessed June 12, 2009).
Porter, E M 2003, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois.
Stapleton, T. (2003) The External Environment, The Open University
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