Эссе по предмету: Английский продвинутый (Пример)
The period of adolescence is accompanied by deep psychological, biological and sociological changes (Kaplan & Sadock, 1994).
Today most people, especially teenagers, are faced with significant problems during their lives. Some changes, such as physical growth and hormonal changes are parts of normal developments. Содержание
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On the one hand many people are concerned that those responsible for the financial problems are the ones being bailed out, while on the other hand, a global financial meltdown will affect the livelihoods of almost everyone in an increasingly inter-connected world. The problem could have been avoided, if ideologues supporting the current economics models weren’t so vocal, influential and inconsiderate of others’ viewpoints and concerns.
And women may be just as good at earning the familys living, handling the accounts, fighting where necessary, and so on. Many men and women have proved that they can perform tasks traditionally reserved for the opposite sex.
The question arises: How can school system be developed to deal with the lack of cultural awareness and practice of communicative skills
• To scrutinize the method of discussion, the conditions of its successfulness, to discover the principles of its organization, to give the examples of application of discussion methods at the language lessons.
So as to provide the theoretical basis required concerning discourse theories, functional style distinctive features, stylistic and semantic categories of expressivity, evaluation and emotionality, use of various tropes we refer to the latest linguistic theories developed by a number of researchers, whose investigations are referred to in the bibliography further on.
The urgency of the present research is determined by the general orientation of the modern paradigms of English phraseological units and fixed phrases, which make intercultural communication tremendously difficult and lead from time to time to communication failure.
What determines the high number of adolescent with overweight and what factors affect it. It presents an overview of obesity statistics among children and adolescents, and includes a discussion of obesity measurement, trends in obesity rates, and differences that exist across gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.Object of exploration in the project is adolescent obesity in the United States of America.
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Other issues such as academic problems, residency change of family, changing school environment, separation of parents and children living in fosters institutions are more personal and adolescents deal with these problem differently. Some adolescents do not have sufficient skills and adjustment to encounter with such problems. список литературы