Эссе по предмету: Политология (Пример)
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First of all, one should note that the term financial crisis means a variety of situations when some financial institutions suddenly lose money. Now it exists around the world. Surveys say that people spend less money on Christmas presents than in previous year. Many companies, organizations, banks and firms became bankrupts. There are a lot of people who discuss the financial crisis. It is discussed everywhere: on TV, in newspapers, magazines and Internet. But different people have different opinions about it. For example, one says that you should keep your money in rubles, but the others argue and say that it is better to do in Euro. The economic events have validated these concerns. The world has learned that ‘hot money’ can flow out of a country as rapidly as it flowed in. The result has been a financial crisis that has devastated lives around the world. Financial inconstancy is bringing massive economic breakdown, insecurity, increased poverty, unemployment and population shifts in some areas. The financial crisis teaches people to save money (not to spend it on trifles).
As for my opinion, I think that our government can quite soon solve this problem.
Above is a famous excerpt from Hitler’s speech about “freeing” the German speaking Austrians along the borders in order to justify claiming ethnic German lands in 1938. After reading the excerpt above, change the words Germans to Russians, and the Third Reich to Russian Federation. Does this sound familiar to you? It is precisely what is happening in Ukraine. Even though Putin’s intentions maybe different, his methods are very similar to those that Hitler used when he invaded Austria and continued along to invade further East. It is really hard and hurting to admit, but if 70 years ago Hitler would know that Russians started a war against Ukrainians, and Germans would be standing by and cheering along, he would not be entirely wrong to claim that in the end the Third Reich won WWII.
If you have ever had a bad reaction to any of the ingredients; If you have severe heart disease or cardiovascular disorder(s); If you have high blood pressure; If you have an overactive thyroid gland; If you have a history of stomach ulcers; If you are taking, or have taken in the last two weeks, drugs for depression know as Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs); If you are taking any other medicines containing paracetamol.
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13) Some mistakes must have been made in assembling the parts of the machine. Chalk is made of the shells of little animals. They must have been tiny things, for you can only see the shells with a very strong glass.
3. Gas production rates from individual wells are controlled for preventing water coning and/or sand production, meeting limitations of rate or pressure imposed by production facilities, and satisfying production limits set by regulatory authorities.
Список источников информации
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