Эссе по предмету: Бухгалтерский учет (Пример)
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3 Глава 1 Теоретические аспекты политики демонополизации и развития конкуренции 41.1 Сущность демонополизации. Государственная политика в области демонополизации 41.2 Демонополизация естественных монополий 101.3 Зарубежный опыт демонополизации
13 Глава 2 Особенности конкуренции на рынке услуг Visa и MasterCard и применения антимонопольного законодательства 202.1 Рынок с двухсторонними сетевыми эффектами 202.2 Зарубежный опыт антимонопольного регулирования рынка платежных систем 302.3 Оценка и перспективы развития рынка услуг Visa и MarterCard
38 Заключение
50 Список литературы 52
1. The intensity of the process of replenishment of modern Russian slang new units at the end of XX — early XXI century. This is, of course, the socio-historical background of the Russian language. But this relationship can not be interpreted too literally, explaining a significant recovery and intensive slang-appearance only historical cataclysms. The scientific literature is traditionally divided into three waves in the development of youth slang. The first dates from the 20-ties of the XX century. When the revolution and civil war that completely destroyed the fabric of society, has created an army of street, and it «good» youth are not separated from them, completing the set of «thieves» words. The second wave has a 50-ies, when the streets and dance halls of cities left «dudes». The emergence of third wave is not connected with the era of rapid developments, and with a period of stagnation, when the stifling atmosphere of public life 70-80’s gave birth to various informal youth movements and «hippies», young people created their own «system» as a slang language gesture of confrontation of the official ideology.
We believe that there are reasonable grounds for granting the fourth wave — the current stage of expansion of slang in the late XX — early XXI century. This period of rapid social life in Russia, the collapse of the old politico-economic structures and the beginning of the formation of new ones. Regular amnesty to prisoners reinforce the influence of criminal morality in the society. The result is a slight decline of morals of the population. The language is manifested in the violation of norms of speech, mixing styles and enhance the non-literary units in speech not only youth, but also some of the older generation.
The importance and actuality of this study is determined by the constant interest to the grammar opposition: writing and speaking, the desire to delve deeper into the nature of the speaking and writing appearance and also the wish to find as much peculiar features of these two forms of speech as possible.The object of our study is main peculiarities and differences of the oral and written speech.
Within our dissertation work we conducted a survey of over 500 HR and business leaders in more than 30 countries worldwide to explore how HR priorities and challenges have changed during the global economic downturn. Hudson’s study indicates that during this current economic crisis, the focus is not only on cost cutting through right-sizing, but also on talent engagement, talent development, and the retention of talent key to the organization’s success.
Методология исследования. Методологической основой исследования является современная экономическая теория и ее составляющие, труды отечественных и зарубежных ученых по вопросам теории международной торговли, внешнеэкономической деятельности.
Literature list
1.Basic problem of IFRS implementation //www. financial-lawyer.ru
2.IFRS implementation: problems//Moscow accountatnt, 2007.-№ 4
3.IFRS implementation: standard policy// www.TatCenter.ru
4.Pimenov A.L. About IFRS//Prpblems of economy, 2010.- N 3
5.Taimanov V. IFRS in Russia: difficulties of implementation//Chief accountant, 2009.-№ 10
список литературы