Эссе по предмету: Английский продвинутый (Пример)
The key ideas of Epicurean’ philosophy including its view of human happiness, morality, community and the gods
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According to the point of view of McMillan, the purpose of science as a branch of human activity is to disclose by research the inner substance of things and phenomena of objective reality and find out the laws regulating them, thus enabling man to predict, control and direct their future development in order to improve the material and social life of mankind [McMillan, 2001: 314].
Scientific prose helps us to reveal and understand all the features of scientific phenomenon as they are.
The main focus of this discussion will be on addressing the roots and future of the relationship between Ukraine and Russia as well as the benefits for Ukrainian civil society if Ukraine were to join the EU community. This topic is significant because it explores the current political and economic strategies used by Russia and the EU as well as reactions from the Ukrainian community.
On the other hand, negative feelings and emotions upset the balance of our body. The chemicals that give us the strength to respond to physical threat reduce the effectiveness of our immune system to keep us healthy when threat or stress persists too long. If we don’t address our emotional messages, we may become physically ill. In worst cases, ignoring our needs and emotions can result in mental breakdown or depression.
Obesity represents a clear and present danger to the health of children and adolescent obesity. This epidemic increase is the result of specific changes in our environment and behavior in susceptible people. It presents an overview of obesity statistics among children and adolescents, and includes a discussion of obesity measurement, trends in obesity rates, and differences that exist across gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.
According to the subject, the aims and the problems of our research we use several research methods in our work such as theory as a system of logically interconnected statements, formalization and introspection.
As early as May 10, 1776, Congress had passed a resolution advising the colonies to form new governments «such as shall best conduce to the happiness and safety of their constituents.»The new constitutions showed the impact of democratic ideas.
The structure of the work is determined and corresponds to assignments by means of which the purpose of work is realized. The work includes introduction, 2 chapters and conclusion. There are 8 pages of the basic material; the list of literature includes 48 names.
Список источников информации
1. Chanishev A. philosophy of the ancient world: a student’s book. – M: high School, 2003.
2. New philosophic encyclopedia, p. 4. – M: “Thought”, 2001.
3. Komarova. Ways of reaching happiness in the philosophy of Epicurus. // cyberleninka: website, 2015. URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/puti-dostizheniya-istinnogo-schastya-v-filosofskom-uchenii-epikura
4. Epicurus. // dialogika: website, 2015. URL: http://dialogika.info/epikur/
5. Epicureanism. // Sunhome: website, 2015. URL: http://www.sunhome.ru/philosophy/5226
6. Lectures about the philosophy history. Hegel. // libma: website, 2015. URL: http://www.libma.ru/filosofija/lekcii_po_istorii_filosofii_kniga_vtoraja/index.php
7. Epicurus views. // Eurasia: website, 2015. URL: http://eurasialand.ru/txt/hist_filo/34.htm
список литературы