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Stock Market
Nowadays various investors are concerned to the stock market by the vision of high returns united with small long-term risk. All investors want to have their part for eating it. If predictable stock returns are constant over period, then someone can expects to earn high stock returns in the future similar to the high returns of the past. But stocks are much riskier than bonds in the long term in such a case, just as they are in the short term. If stocks mean-revert instead, then for long-term investors they are comparatively safe assets; but future returns are likely to be meager in that case, because mean-reversion relaxes the spectacular Содержание
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The issue of international marketing and financial investments in foreign markets, as well as the origin and development of multinational companies have long studied by researchers world-wide. In the last decade between the marketers and the leading economists of the country is an active debate on the theme of the ability of companies with a large scale to have a significant impact on the situation on any market, competitive activity, and stimulate scientific and technical process of the countries in which they are presented.
The main focus of this discussion will be on addressing the roots and future of the relationship between Ukraine and Russia as well as the benefits for Ukrainian civil society if Ukraine were to join the EU community. This topic is significant because it explores the current political and economic strategies used by Russia and the EU as well as reactions from the Ukrainian community.
The theoretical framework of the present paper includes the study of literature provided by such authors as Cook, Arens, Goddard, Crystal, Kalmane, and others. The empirical research represents the analysis of 3 print advertisements taken from the official websites of beauty product companiesBritish and American newspapers and magazines.
The main aim of the work is to retrace how the fashion changed through decades of the 20th century and to prove that fashion trends reflect greatly important events in the social live.American and British fashion was chosen as the object of the study as these countries have had the leading roles in the world’s economic, political and social events of the 20th century.The choice of this period of time is connected with the fact this time was indeed full of great changes and crisises all over the world.
So, for example, happens that this or that pupil visits the private high school which curriculum should answer the standards established by staff, and some of its courses of exact and natural sciences can be financed from federal funds, and teams have possibility to play the local fields which are in public property.Practical value: the results of the research can be used for further exploring the theme «Schooling of the USA».Theoretical value: the content of the paper can be used in compiling methodological materials for the courses in Country Study, Pedagogy, Methodology and other subjects.
One of the most important kinds of international corporations is Transnational Corporations (TNCsOn the one hand TNCs are the product of the rapidly developing international economic relations and on the other hand they are themselves a powerful mechanism of influence on Modern TNCs created international production in addition to the existing international exchange of goods and services, corresponding to international services sector and international financial sector, promoted the transformation of mainly local (cross-country ,regional) international economic relations to global TNCs, turned the world economy into the international production, provided NTP development in all its areas: technical level and product quality, production efficiency, improved forms management, enterprise
This paper is structured as follows. After the introduction, the Chapter 1 will focus the attention on the theory of text corpora developed by different linguists: the most important features and properties will be reviewed. Chapter 2 being an emipical part of the researchwill deal with the analysis of English and American lexemes included into the structure of The GloWbE corpus words with reference of numbers of usage in American and British blogs and comparison of the meanings. After having conducted the analysis, some conclusions will be drawn.
Entry strategies to international markets: What obstacles can a company encounter when marketing abroad?In the first place the company should size its possibilities deeply: whether it is ready to become a multinational company and get to the international market. Much turns on the nature of product the company sets out on the market.
The findings suggested that the impact of economic development of Russia on the world economic system was great. A few possible scenarios of development of Russia’s economy in 2010-2011 were represented. The forecasts were built on the basis of a structural econometric model designed by the Institute for the Economy in Transition.
The given paper consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography and mainly applies such methods as restructuring of the existing information on gradation. The clarification of term invariants (gradation and climax) is also provided.
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