Эссе по предмету: Экономика (Пример)
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First of all, one should note that the term financial crisis means a variety of situations when some financial institutions suddenly lose money. Now it exists around the world. Surveys say that people spend less money on Christmas presents than in previous year. Many companies, organizations, banks and firms became bankrupts. There are a lot of people who discuss the financial crisis. It is discussed everywhere: on TV, in newspapers, magazines and Internet. But different people have different opinions about it. For example, one says that you should keep your money in rubles, but the others argue and say that it is better to do in Euro. The economic events have validated these concerns. The world has learned that ‘hot money’ can flow out of a country as rapidly as it flowed in. The result has been a financial crisis that has devastated lives around the world. Financial inconstancy is bringing massive economic breakdown, insecurity, increased poverty, unemployment and population shifts in some areas. The financial crisis teaches people to save money (not to spend it on trifles).
As for my opinion, I think that our government can quite soon solve this problem.
Методологической основу моего исследования составили работы Д.И.Алексеева, И.В. Арнольд, Л.С.Бархударова, М.М.Бахтина, В.В.Борисова, Е.П. Волошина,. В. Г Гака, Е. Н. Галкиной, И.Р Гальперина,, М.М. Глушко, Б.Н.Головина, С.Н. Гореликовой, Э.М. Дубенец, Д.И. Ермолович и многих других.
On Tuesday I get up at half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don't drink tea. I drink coffee. After Breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don't leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don't work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son areat home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watches TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some work about the house. At about eleven o'clock we go to bed.
Policies affecting young people cover a wide range of activities from education, health and housing to employment, criminal justice and participation in public life. This means an increasingly important role for youth policy within mainstream politics which requires a more integrated approach to the needs of young people, intensified contact with youth organizations and further involvement in practical activities such as youth work, non-formal approaches to education, volunteering and development.
List of references
1.Analysis of problems of development of the Russian share market//www.bankcredids.ru
2.Barhatov I.V. stock market in changing Russian economy// Vestnik of Chelyabinsk state university. – 2009. – № 1
3.Grinyaev S. About problems and prospects of development of the Russian stock market in crisis of a world financial system//Economy, 2010.-№ 5. — p. 32-35
4.Smirnov E.E Legal problems of the financial market //Securities market, 2011.-№ 9
5.System restrictions of market model of collective investments//www.rbc.ru
6.Zaharov A. Russia needs long term stock market development program//Izvestia, 19.04.2008
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