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Liar’s poker
«C’mon, people, we’re not selling truth!»
It is the most bestselling book of Michael Lewis that reopens the door to the Wall Street, exploring all its dirty clothe. Undoubtedly it is a strangely funny book about business that is easy to be comprehended by anyone who can read. He gives us a characterization of the blooming are of money through describing his experience in the investment bank. Only two years he spent for starting from a trainee to the Geek, the lowest form of life on the trading floor, and then to Big Swinging Dick — a bond salesman, able to turn over doubtful bonds worth of millions of dollars with making only one call.
The trading floor is the metaphor for the trading business where everyone is welcomed due to his position and capabilities.
The Salomon training program is chaired by the Human Piranha, whose vitriolic profanity astonishes everyone. Also the bond traders can throw telephones at the heads of subordinates.
The chairman Gutfreund dares his chief trader to a hand of liar’s poker for one million dollars. Just like that the beginners alike Michael Lewis, connected by telephones and computer terminals, swapping gross jokes trying to find the retail buyers.
The shocking behavior of bond traders ruled the whole enormous changes in the world economy. Lewis had to transfer money from the external countries, from those who had saved the money, to the USA. Such activities helped Salomon Brothers generating millions of dollars contributing to leveraging of America.
Salomon Brothers is the top investment banking and securities trading firm, it is also an adviser to the largest corporations and money managers.
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When a firm chooses a type of transportation, it has to bear in mind its other marketing concerns—storage, financing, sales, inventory size, and the like. Transportation, in fact, can be an especially important sales tool.(18) If the firm can supply its customers' needs more quickly and reliably than its competitors do, it will have a vital advantage: so it may be more profitable in the long run to pay higher transportation costs, rather than risk the loss of future sales. In addition, speedy delivery is crucial in some industries. A mail-order distributor sending fruit from Oregon to Pennsylvania needs
The human body requires a minimum of food, drink and protection fr om the extremes of climate in order to survive. People co-operate in order to satisfy these basic needs, with the family as the most basic economic group.
In the first place the company should size its possibilities deeply: whether it is ready to become a multinational company and get to the international market. The decision depends on many factors: the company must have sufficient circulating capital, its administrators and employees should have enough high proficiency, etc. But the company has to take into account other factors as well. Much turns on the nature of product the company sets out on the market. The examination of competing firms can not be underestimated. May be it is meaningless to try to sell Russian agricultural commodities in Switzerland, electronics in Japan. On the other size of coin something conceptually new must be evaluated as well, whether it would be in demand in other countries. For example, Ukrainian bacon would be scarcely in demand in Great Britain. Any way much attention should be paid to advertising, in what connection
The most dynamic and vibrant part of the newly emerging private sector are small and medium enterprises. They are the first to respond to market signals and fill numerous niches left by the central planning, notorious for its rigidity and lack of attention to consumer demand. At the same time, small and medium firms give a natural outlet for heretofore suppressed entrepreneurial energy. Smaller firms usually can be created with limited resources, and in particular with minimal start-up capital This is an important factor, given the lack of private wealth at early stages of transition, and reluctance of potential lenders to extend large loans to borrowers with no track records. Finally, small businesses form a natural constituency for the competitive market economy, and also contribute to the formation of a middle class which stabilizes the society and serves as a bulwark against political extremism. Therefore the SME sector could play an important and positive political role in the post-communist transition. That’s why the theme of this paper is acute.
Today the majority of language schools and courses of foreign languages name the system of communicative educational methods the leading one. Our project is no exception, but for minor reservations. We use a complex system in which we combine classical grammar and communicative methods, as each of them has its pros and cons.
The main hypothesis of that diploma thesis will be that specifically selected business plan is recommended to be launched based on the findings of fulfilled financial business plan evaluation methods. Those methods can be interpreted as:
The theoretical significance of the research is motivated by the necessity to find out words as well as idiomatic and non-idiomatic fixed phrases referring to the concept “cunning” as well as paying attention to the problem of their adequate translation.
In summing up this point, we note that the complexity of the notion is determined by the relationships of the extra-linguistic reality reflected in human consciousness. The structure of every separate meaning depends on the linguistic syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships because meaning is an inherent component of language. The complexity of every word meaning is due to the fact that it combines lexical meaning with lexico-grammatical meaning and sometimes with emotional coloring, stylistic peculiarities and connotations born from previous usage.
Policies affecting young people cover a wide range of activities from education, health and housing to employment, criminal justice and participation in public life. This means an increasingly important role for youth policy within mainstream politics which requires a more integrated approach to the needs of young people, intensified contact with youth organizations and further involvement in practical activities such as youth work, non-formal approaches to education, volunteering and development.
In linguistic literature there is no unanimity of views on the phenomenon called by a homonymy, and on its restriction of that is called as a polysemy, or polysemanticism. Thus it is a question not only of different application of the term "homonym" that in itself would represent not such big trouble, and it is rather about different definition of the concept "word". And also about a different approach to what possible distinctions between separate concrete cases of the use (reproduction) of the same word, i.e. what distinctions between such cases are compatible and what, on the contrary, are incompatible with identity of the word.
Теоретико-методологической основой исследования являются диалектический, системный методы познания, включающие принципы объективности, системности, историзма. При подготовке работы автор опирался на работы зарубежных, китайских и российских исследователей. Источниками служили: монографии, научные статьи, публикации, переводы статей иностранных авторов, Интернет.