Эссе по предмету: Политология (Пример)
Nowadays the role of the world oil market both in economic world politics is greatest. During last years there were many political and geopolitical processes which have strongly affected the development of this market. So, its structure, liberalisation degree, pricing principles were transformed.
The oil factor plays the high role for developed states, the biggest states of the West and Asia – United States, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, China, etc. – present the largest consumers of oil. Therefore any changes in the market of oil sources influence the situation in the given states. States exporting oil are also strongly sensitive to all changes in this field.
Russia leads the second place in the world in oil production. Oil industry as a biggest part of Russian economy influences its foreign economic relations as well as international cooperation in general…
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The analysis of the Bulgarian research system has shown that it has stagnated in recent years following a prolonged period of downsizing, facing a lot of restructuring challenges, as well as very low investment in R&D in the 1990s. Bulgaria faces most of the challenges described in the Green Paper «The European Research Area: New Perspectives». The country’s EU accession has promoted the process of setting up modern governance institutions though often their existence remains mostly «on paper» with little effect on R&D policy implementation. A particularly persistent weakness of the Bulgarian R&D system re-mains the very low participation of the private sector in R&D expenditures. Bulgaria faces challenges in all four domains presented in this report, including in the coordination and coherence between them, but low R&D expenditures coupled with the increasing deficit of qualified R&D personnel are probably the biggest and hardest of them.
Если проанализировать события второй мировой войны, можно проследить схожие черты в политике этих стран. Вторая мировая война стала, по существу, продолжением Первой, но в отличие от Первой на межимпериалистические противоречия наложились еще противоречия между капитализмом и социализмом. Проводя параллель с Первой мировой войной, можно проследить, что оба империалистических блока (Англия, Франция, США с одной стороны и Германия, Италия – с другой) старались либо уничтожить Советский Союз, либо его настолько ослабить, чтобы подчинить своим интересам.
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- Режим доступа: http://www.tnk-bp.ru/company/
8.Официальный сайт ОАО «Газпром нефть» [Электронный ресурс].
- Режим доступа: http://www.gazprom-neft.ru/company/
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// Нефть. Газ. Право. 2005. № 6. – Режим доступа: http://journal.oilgaslaw.ru/free/dialog 6-2005.shtml
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