Пример готовой контрольной работы по предмету: Языки (переводы)
1. Письменно переведите следующий текст с английского языка на русский.
British Legal System
Freedom has to be restricted if it is to survive. This is done by the law which prohibits certain actions because they are against the interests of most citizens. But there is no point in having laws unless they can be enforced. Laws are enforced in two ways. First by the police, whose duty is to catch offenders. Second by the Law Courts which find out whether a person is innocent or guilty. If he is guilty, the courts then award punishment, either a fine or a term of imprisonment.
The court system depends upon the legal profession to make it work. In Britain the legal profession is divided into two branches: barristers and solicitors. The division has a number of significant impacts upon the judiciary system.
The English judiciary system is organized in a very different plan. They have no Ministry of Justice. Some of the functions of such a ministry are distributed among the members of the Cabinet; to a certain extent the Home Secretary is their minister of criminal justice, and to a less extent the Lord Chancellor is their minister of civil justice.
2. Составьте список юридических терминов, употребленных в тексте, и переведите их на русский язык.
to prohibit
to enforce
the Law Court
to find innocent
to find guilty
to award punishment
term of imprisonment
court system
judiciary system
Ministry of Justice
criminal justice
civil justice
3. Письменно задайте 5 общих и 5 специальных вопросов к тексту.
4. Письменно составьте план и краткий пересказ текста.
1. Ways to enforce the law
2. The court system in Britain
3. Peculiarities of the English judiciary system
5. Устно подготовьте сообщение на тему «Myfutureprofession
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