Пример готовой контрольной работы по предмету: Языки (переводы)
1. Translate the following keywords to the text. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Railway operation, railway network, gauge, heavy haul network, freight transport,
demand lor transportation, advantage of rail transportation, railway junction, railway capacity, tratfic volume, axleload, coupler, coupler forces, maintenance cost.
2. Translate the following words. (Which of them are international?)
Fundamentally, traditionally, continually, gradually, exclusively, currently,
significantly, particularly, essentially.
3. a) Give the degrees of comparison of the following words.
Far, much, little, bad, great, safe, new, heavy, competitive, wide, large, high, far,
busy, late, expensive, important.
b) Translate the following groups of words, paying attention to the Comparative or the Superlative degrees of the adjectives.
- Более широкая колея; более длинные грузовые поезда; большая осевая нагрузка; линия с большей пропускной способностью; более высокая скорость; больший объем перевозок;
- линия с наиболее интенсивным движением; четвертая в мире по объему производства (producer) стали; самые современные нововведения; самый дорогостоящий проект; самый важный железнодорожный узел.
4. Read and translate the following word combinations in the lines A and B. Look up
their translation in a dictionary if necessary.
Match the word combinations in the line A with their Russian equivalents in the line B.
A: Axle, axleload, axleloading, heavy axleloads, 25 tonnes axleloads, axle weight
В: Нагрузка на ось 25 тонн, допускаемая нагрузка на ось, ось колеса вагона, нагрузка на ось (осевая нагрузка), большая осевая нагрузка.
5. Translate the following attributive groups.
a) Freight transport; freight operation; freight flows; freight traffic volumes; increased / decreased traffic volumes.
b) Freight intensive railways; heavy traffic line; heavy haul rail network; heavy haul operation / technology / principles; railway freight transport capacity; railway line capacity problems.
6. Match the words in 1 -7 with their synonyms in a-g from the text.
1. progress (v) a) factory (n)
2. truck (n) b) opportunity (n)
3. link (v) c) adopt (v)
4. interval (n) d) evolve (v)
5. possibility (n) e) connect (v)
6. accept (v) f) mode(n)
7. type (n) g) track (n)
8. plant (n) h) headway (n)
9. produce (v) j) bogie (n)
10. gauge(n) j) manufacture (v)
7. Match the words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.
1. to perform а) эксплуатационные данные
2. performance b) эксплуатационные испытания
3. train performance с) работа; эксплуатационные качества
4. performance data d) торможение
5. performance tests e) тяга
6. traction performance 0 движение поезда / поездов
7. braking performance g) приводить в исполнение; выполнять
8. a) Match the words in the line A with their Russian equivalents in the line B.
A: Because; because of; in terms of; a number of; in accordance with; in turn; except for.
В: С точки зрения / с учетом; ряд, множество; из-за; в свою очередь; так как; в соответствии с; за исключением, b) Translate the following word combinations into English.
По причине экономических и технических факторов; с учетом увеличивающейся нагрузки на ось; ряд / множество железнодорожных операторов; в соответствии с новыми принципами усовершенствования грузовых перевозок на железной дороге.
9. Note the difference between “some” and “the same"; “both” and “both … and". Fill in the gaps in the following statements.
a) … trains run at the same speed.
b) Indian Railways used … principles of freight operations … on the Eastern … the Western Corridors.
c) … principles of freight traffic have been changed because of … economic … technical factors.
d) All freight intensive railways around the world have used … heavy haul principles on their networks.
10. Translate the following word combinations paying attention to the “ed" and “-ing" forms.
To increase — to increase transport capacity — increased axleloads — increasing train lengths.
To reduce — to reduce coupler forces — reduced maintenance cost
demand for the transport of raw materials.
To improve — to improve railway operation — improved railway capacity improving brake performance.
Выдержка из текста
1. Translate the following keywords to the text. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Railway operation, railway network, gauge, heavy haul network, freight transport,
demand lor transportation, advantage of rail transportation, railway junction, railway capacity, tratfic volume, axleload, coupler, coupler forces, maintenance cost.
2. Translate the following words. (Which of them are international?)
Fundamentally, traditionally, continually, gradually, exclusively, currently,
significantly, particularly, essentially.
3. a) Give the degrees of comparison of the following words.
Far, much, little, bad, great, safe, new, heavy, competitive, wide, large, high, far,
busy, late, expensive, important.
b) Translate the following groups of words, paying attention to the Comparative or the Superlative degrees of the adjectives.
- Более широкая колея; более длинные грузовые поезда; большая осевая нагрузка; линия с большей пропускной способностью; более высокая скорость; больший объем перевозок;
- линия с наиболее интенсивным движением; четвертая в мире по объему производства (producer) стали; самые современные нововведения; самый дорогостоящий проект; самый важный железнодорожный узел.
4. Read and translate the following word combinations in the lines A and B. Look up
their translation in a dictionary if necessary.
Match the word combinations in the line A with their Russian equivalents in the line B.
A: Axle, axleload, axleloading, heavy axleloads, 25 tonnes axleloads, axle weight
В: Нагрузка на ось 25 тонн, допускаемая нагрузка на ось, ось колеса вагона, нагрузка на ось (осевая нагрузка), большая осевая нагрузка.
5. Translate the following attributive groups.
a) Freight transport; freight operation; freight flows; freight traffic volumes; increased / decreased traffic volumes.
b) Freight intensive railways; heavy traffic line; heavy haul rail network; heavy haul operation / technology / principles; railway freight transport capacity; railway line capacity problems.
6. Match the words in 1 -7 with their synonyms in a-g from the text.
1. progress (v) a) factory (n)
2. truck (n) b) opportunity (n)
3. link (v) c) adopt (v)
4. interval (n) d) evolve (v)
5. possibility (n) e) connect (v)
6. accept (v) f) mode(n)
7. type (n) g) track (n)
8. plant (n) h) headway (n)
9. produce (v) j) bogie (n)
10. gauge(n) j) manufacture (v)
7. Match the words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.
1. to perform а) эксплуатационные данные
2. performance b) эксплуатационные испытания
3. train performance с) работа; эксплуатационные качества
4. performance data d) торможение
5. performance tests e) тяга
6. traction performance 0 движение поезда / поездов
7. braking performance g) приводить в исполнение; выполнять
8. a) Match the words in the line A with their Russian equivalents in the line B.
A: Because; because of; in terms of; a number of; in accordance with; in turn; except for.
В: С точки зрения / с учетом; ряд, множество; из-за; в свою очередь; так как; в соответствии с; за исключением, b) Translate the following word combinations into English.
По причине экономических и технических факторов; с учетом увеличивающейся нагрузки на ось; ряд / множество железнодорожных операторов; в соответствии с новыми принципами усовершенствования грузовых перевозок на железной дороге.
9. Note the difference between “some” and “the same"; “both” and “both … and". Fill in the gaps in the following statements.
a) … trains run at the same speed.
b) Indian Railways used … principles of freight operations … on the Eastern … the Western Corridors.
c) … principles of freight traffic have been changed because of … economic … technical factors.
d) All freight intensive railways around the world have used … heavy haul principles on their networks.
10. Translate the following word combinations paying attention to the “ed" and “-ing" forms.
To increase — to increase transport capacity — increased axleloads — increasing train lengths.
To reduce — to reduce coupler forces — reduced maintenance cost
demand for the transport of raw materials.
To improve — to improve railway operation — improved railway capacity improving brake performance.
Список использованной литературы
1. Translate the following keywords to the text. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Railway operation, railway network, gauge, heavy haul network, freight transport,
demand lor transportation, advantage of rail transportation, railway junction, railway capacity, tratfic volume, axleload, coupler, coupler forces, maintenance cost.
2. Translate the following words. (Which of them are international?)
Fundamentally, traditionally, continually, gradually, exclusively, currently,
significantly, particularly, essentially.
3. a) Give the degrees of comparison of the following words.
Far, much, little, bad, great, safe, new, heavy, competitive, wide, large, high, far,
busy, late, expensive, important.
b) Translate the following groups of words, paying attention to the Comparative or the Superlative degrees of the adjectives.
- Более широкая колея; более длинные грузовые поезда; большая осевая нагрузка; линия с большей пропускной способностью; более высокая скорость; больший объем перевозок;
- линия с наиболее интенсивным движением; четвертая в мире по объему производства (producer) стали; самые современные нововведения; самый дорогостоящий проект; самый важный железнодорожный узел.
4. Read and translate the following word combinations in the lines A and B. Look up
their translation in a dictionary if necessary.
Match the word combinations in the line A with their Russian equivalents in the line B.
A: Axle, axleload, axleloading, heavy axleloads, 25 tonnes axleloads, axle weight
В: Нагрузка на ось 25 тонн, допускаемая нагрузка на ось, ось колеса вагона, нагрузка на ось (осевая нагрузка), большая осевая нагрузка.
5. Translate the following attributive groups.
a) Freight transport; freight operation; freight flows; freight traffic volumes; increased / decreased traffic volumes.
b) Freight intensive railways; heavy traffic line; heavy haul rail network; heavy haul operation / technology / principles; railway freight transport capacity; railway line capacity problems.
6. Match the words in 1 -7 with their synonyms in a-g from the text.
1. progress (v) a) factory (n)
2. truck (n) b) opportunity (n)
3. link (v) c) adopt (v)
4. interval (n) d) evolve (v)
5. possibility (n) e) connect (v)
6. accept (v) f) mode(n)
7. type (n) g) track (n)
8. plant (n) h) headway (n)
9. produce (v) j) bogie (n)
10. gauge(n) j) manufacture (v)
7. Match the words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.
1. to perform а) эксплуатационные данные
2. performance b) эксплуатационные испытания
3. train performance с) работа; эксплуатационные качества
4. performance data d) торможение
5. performance tests e) тяга
6. traction performance 0 движение поезда / поездов
7. braking performance g) приводить в исполнение; выполнять
8. a) Match the words in the line A with their Russian equivalents in the line B.
A: Because; because of; in terms of; a number of; in accordance with; in turn; except for.
В: С точки зрения / с учетом; ряд, множество; из-за; в свою очередь; так как; в соответствии с; за исключением, b) Translate the following word combinations into English.
По причине экономических и технических факторов; с учетом увеличивающейся нагрузки на ось; ряд / множество железнодорожных операторов; в соответствии с новыми принципами усовершенствования грузовых перевозок на железной дороге.
9. Note the difference between “some” and “the same"; “both” and “both … and". Fill in the gaps in the following statements.
a) … trains run at the same speed.
b) Indian Railways used … principles of freight operations … on the Eastern … the Western Corridors.
c) … principles of freight traffic have been changed because of … economic … technical factors.
d) All freight intensive railways around the world have used … heavy haul principles on their networks.
10. Translate the following word combinations paying attention to the “ed" and “-ing" forms.
To increase — to increase transport capacity — increased axleloads — increasing train lengths.
To reduce — to reduce coupler forces — reduced maintenance cost
demand for the transport of raw materials.
To improve — to improve railway operation — improved railway capacity improving brake performance.