Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Introduction 3
A comparative analysis of the episode with Noah in N-Town play and Towneley play 4
Conclusion 12
References 13
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In this essay the differences and similarities between two different plays based on the same biblical episode is going to be revealed and compared. The episode with Noah is very wide-known and popular in the medieval theatre. It was used as a base both in the Towneley and N-Town cycles, but the representation of the episode in these two cycles are rather different. And the main difference is, as I think, concerns the representation of the characters in both plays.
Relevance of research is caused by that the set of universities which are ready to provide training services opens now. It should be noted also that many of them successfully come to the international level and can accept foreign students educating them the international level. However at all positive lines of modern universities, they have also negative sides. They have no such quality assurance, as at ancient universities of Great Britain, in particular Oxbridge. In this regard there is actual a studying of distinctive features of old British universities from modern analogs.
Деликтная ответственность гос-ва за вред, причиненный его органами и должностными лицами.
1. Epp G. Towneley: Recycled Plays. URL: https://www.ualberta.ca/~gepp/towneley/TowneleyRP.html . (Date of reference: 03.01.2016).
2. Genesis. The Bible. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1997.
3. Higgins I.M. The Book of John Mandeville: with Related Texts. Indianapolis / Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. 2011.
4. Noah. N-Town Plays. URL: http://homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~ajohnsto/noah.html . (Date of reference: 03.01.2016).
5. Noah. Towneley plays. URL: http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/special/litsubs/drama/noah.html . (Date of reference: 03.01.2016).
6. N-Town Cycle Essay. URL: http://www.enotes.com/topics/n-town-cycle. (Date of reference: 03.01.2016).
7. Prosser E. Drama and Religion in the English Mystery Plays: A Re-evaluation. Stanford, Stanford University Press. 1961.
8. Sugano D.I. N-Town Plays. URL: http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195396584/obo-9780195396584-0136.xml. (Date of reference: 03.01.2016).
9. The Towneley Plays Project. URL: http://people.ucalgary.ca/~scriptor/towneley/. (Date of reference: 03.01.2016).
10. Wolfthal D., Vitullo J.M. Money, Morality, and Culture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company. 2010.
11. Normington K. Gender and Medieval Drama. Cambridge, DS Brewer. 2004.
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