Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Иностранная грамматика
Chapter 1. Independent elements in the system of English Syntax
1.1. Explеtives, their types and status in Syntax
1.2. Address, its tricky status in Grammar and different views on the notion
Chapter 2. Address in the system of Interjections
2.1. Semantic classifications of address
2.2. Evolution of address in English
2.3. Usage and Expressivity of address
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Every lexico-grammatical group of words or class is characterized by its own lexico-grammatical meaning, forming, as it were, the common denominator of all the meanings of the words which belongs to this group. The lexico-grammatical meaning may be also regarded as a feature according to which these words are grouped together. Many recent investigations are devoted to establishing word classes on the basis of similarity of distribution.
analyzing specificity of idiomatic fixed phrases English referring to such a concept as “cunning” taking into consideration their form, structure, semantics as well as the problem of their adequate interpretation into Russian.
This paper is structured as follows. After the introduction, the Chapter 1 will focus the attention on the theory of text corpora developed by different linguists: the most important features and properties will be reviewed. Chapter 2 being an emipical part of the researchwill deal with the analysis of English and American lexemes included into the structure of The GloWbE corpus words with reference of numbers of usage in American and British blogs and comparison of the meanings. After having conducted the analysis, some conclusions will be drawn.
Protection of life and health of youth and formation in this regard of state policy on protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of younger generation as independent activity of state bodies and society in general is one of the priority tasks designated in Strategy «Kazakhstan-2030». The social essence of state legal policy (juvenile policy) on realization of protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of minors, and in this aspect the value of right is that it carries out regulating impact on the public relations.Keywords: rights and freedoms of minors, juvenile justice, state policy, realization of right.
The value of any commodity is determined with the help of money — the universal equivalent for exchange of goods. Therefore, the cost of money has a direct impact on all markets. For example, increasing the value of the national currency value of exported goods expressed in foreign currency, increases, there occur fluctuations in the exch
English Metagraphic System throuhh History
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