Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Английский продвинутый
1. Introduction 3
1. The essence of forecasting 4
1.1.The concept of forecasting 4
1.2. Forecasting Methods 5
1.3. Factor as a predictor of sport achievement 7
2 Description of the three methods of forecasting 9
2.1 Market Forecast 9
2.2 Tipsters 11
3 Description of the Data 13
3.1 Data Set 13
3.2 Calculations of the Prediction Market Forecasts 14
3.3 Calculations of the Betting Market Forecasts 18
4 Forecast Accuracy of Three Methods 20
4.1 Evaluation Criteria 20
4.2 Forecast Accuracy of Each Method 21
4.3 Forecast Accuracy of Combinations of the Methods 23
4.3.1 Accuracy of Weighting-Based Combined Forecasts 23
4.3.2 Accuracy of Rule-Based Combined Forecasts 24
5. Results 26
5.1 Football 26
5.2 Baseball 31
Conclusions 38
References 40
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If among the jumper will win medals athletes who have overcome the bar at a height of 2,55-2,60 and the average age of the champions and finalists of the Olympic Games in the sport is 1921, then in 2005 to take stock of 13-14 -year-old capable of jumpers and prepare them to conquer this height. This is one of the very interesting and promising trends in sports science, which especially in the last decade developing intensively in many countries around the world.The object of study- Problems of forecasting the highest achievements in sport.
In the lexical meaning of every separate word the lexico-grammatical meaning common to all the words of the class to which this word belongs is enriched by additional features and becomes particularized [6].
There is an ample range of them which is caused by sub-division of Buddhism after Buddha’s death, but in the given research only traditional Buddhism’s values are to be looked at.We can lay down the aim of our research, which is to study if traditional Buddhism rests on recognising that there are two sets of values, those of life in the world and those higher ones of leaving it.Thus, we can conclude that the object of our research is traditional Buddhism’s values, namely those of life in the world and those higher ones of leaving it.
The present research consists of an Introduction, a Chapter I, which is dedicated to the theoretical survey of the imagery and its types, a Chapter II, where we make an analysis of the usage of the imagery in Wilde’s poems. We describe the different types of the imagery which were used in the poems and its functions in the text.
Protection of life and health of youth and formation in this regard of state policy on protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of younger generation as independent activity of state bodies and society in general is one of the priority tasks designated in Strategy «Kazakhstan-2030». The social essence of state legal policy (juvenile policy) on realization of protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of minors, and in this aspect the value of right is that it carries out regulating impact on the public relations.Keywords: rights and freedoms of minors, juvenile justice, state policy, realization of right.
The CAPM model is designed to determine the share price or value of the company in the future, in other words, the current overbought or oversold value of a company.
«Critically evaluate the relevance and application of the moral right of integrity in the entertainment business»
Whatever its advantages and disadvantages are, the system will retain its current general characterizations as long as the values and assumptions that predominate in the surrounding society continue to hold away. But anyway our task today is reveal national patterns of education in Great Britain and the USA.
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