Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Concord between Subject and Predicator in the English Language
Chapter 1. Principal Sentence Elements in the System of English Syntax
1.1. Subject
1.2. Predicator
Chapter 2. Agreement between Subject and Predicator
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They believe that every individual is unique, completely and marvellously unique totally different from all other individuals and therefore, particularly precious and wonderful. Americans think they are more individualistic in their thoughts and actions than they really are. They take pride in claiming more individualism than in fact, they actually have.
Syntactic change of a word meaning affects grammar in its morphological and syntactic aspects and is seen as gradual, the product of chain reactions and subject to cyclic drift. The view that creole languages are the product of catastrophism is heavily disputed.
The theoretical significance of the research is motivated by the necessity to find out words as well as idiomatic and non-idiomatic fixed phrases referring to the concept “cunning” as well as paying attention to the problem of their adequate translation.
The purpose of this work — to study features of word order in the English and Italian sentence. To reveal the influence of inversion on the meaning and stylistic nuance of the sentence in both languages;
In order to form a theoretical base of the research, we have analysed works of V.I. Kodukov, V.V. Babaytseva, V.N. Migirin, E.C. Cubreacov, V.M. Nikitevich, V.V. Lopatin, E.P. Kalechits, V.V. Bogdanov, A. Bondarenko, N.D. Arutyunova, V.V. Lopatin and many other significant thinkers. As for the sources written in Spanish, works of Pérez Rioja J.A., Francisco Matte Bon, José Roca Pons were considered to be central.
Lexical meaning of every word depends upon the part of speech to which the word belongs. Every word may be used in a limiting set of syntactical functions, and with the definite valency. It has a definite set of grammatical meanings, and a definite set of forms.
A Democrat wants the right to legislate equality and a Republican want the right to earn equality. A Democrat’s stance will always be to enhance his position with special interest groups and a Republican always chooses a stance that he believes to be correct.
The methods of investigations used in this bachelor’s paper are descriptive method, the method of classification, comparative method, the method of component analysis and sampling and the statistical method.
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