Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Introduction 3
Main types of urban advertising and trends in creative advertising 4
Literature Review 4
Chapter structure and main contents description 5
Problem Statements and the Methodology 6
Empirical part of the research 7
Case study 1. Jobsintown.de 8
Case study 2. IBM’s Smart ideas for smart cities 9
Case study 3. Smart Car 9
Discussion 10
Conclusion 13
Results anticipated 13
Constraints and prospects for the research 14
Bibliography 15
Appendix 1 Guerilla Advertising by Jobsintown.de 17
Appendix 2 Guerilla advertising by IBM 18
Appendix 3 Billboards by Smart 19
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The objective of the research is to study the main trends and issues used when creating urban advertising. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be completed: 1) to analyze main types of urban advertising; 2) to consider its specifics; 3) to review the notion of creativity; 4) to examine trends and issues in creative advertising.
The objective of the research is to study the main trends and issues used when creating urban advertising. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be completed: 1) to analyze main types of urban advertising; 2) to consider its specifics; 3) to review the notion of creativity; 4) to examine trends and issues in creative advertising.
The objective of the research is to study the main trends and issues used when creating urban advertising. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be completed: 1) to analyze main types of urban advertising; 2) to consider its specifics; 3) to review the notion of creativity; 4) to examine trends and issues in creative advertising.
Because of low reliability of the records made in those difficult for Japan times, a large number of the victims which have died for months or years later than the tragedy, and because of aspiration of the parties to exaggerate and underestimate losses depending on political intentions, there are still no exact data on human losses from the attacks. Both cities which were injured from the first and only in the history of mankind fighting use of the nuclear weapon have been almost wiped out.
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список литературы