Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Introduction 3
Main types of urban advertising and trends in creative advertising 4
Conclusion 9
Bibliography 10
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The theoretical and practical value of the research presupposes further improvement in the creation of urban advertisements. Various factors should be taken into consideration while creating the advertisement. This study is also useful for the customers who want to be aware of the techniques used on them in order to avoid the purchase of unnecessary goods.
The objective of the research is to study the main trends and issues used when creating urban advertising. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be completed: 1) to analyze main types of urban advertising; 2) to consider its specifics; 3) to review the notion of creativity; 4) to examine trends and issues in creative advertising.
The theoretical and practical value of the research presupposes further improvement in the creation of urban advertisements. Various factors should be taken into consideration while creating the advertisement. This study is also useful for the customers who want to be aware of the techniques used on them in order to avoid the purchase of unnecessary goods.
In the N-town Cycle, N stands for the Latin word “nomen” which means name. Any town could use their own name for that cycle. Cycles could range from the Fall of the Angels to Judgement Day. According to E. Prosser, a common theme of Mystery Plays “was to show a fall, then Redemption. But the number of separate plays and of playing stations varied widely” .
Особый интерес при написании данного диссертационного сочине-ния представляли работы западных авторов. В западной историографии проблема современного урбанизационного процесса хорошо освещена в работах исследователей китайского происхождения Сун Яня, Чэнжи Дина, Ма Ся, Дун Гуанци, Дун Цзяньхуна, Ли Гаочаня, Лу Кэлуна и др.
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