Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Экономика
1. Introduction 3
2. Essence of electronic money and direction of their use 4
3. World practice of regulation of use of electronic money 6
4. International payment systems: history, tendencies of development, prospect 12
5. Conclusion 16
6. References 18
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1. Introduction
For the last decades, nothing developed so promptly, as computer technologies and electronic communications. Now information technologies and first of all the Internet are widely applied in the economic relations. Progress in information technologies made possible emergence of the modern payment systems using the last achievements in this area and allowing making bank payments without leaving the house, to pay off in shop with a plastic card and to acquire goods on the Internet. Emergence of so-called electronic money, electronic cash, and digital cash is connected with development of modern payment systems.
Feature of the payment systems using electronic money is that the equivalent of monetary cost which is in advance paid to their issuer is stored in a digital form on the card microprocessor, on the hard drive of the computer or other device of which their owner disposes, and can be used as an instrument of payment without direct participation at transaction of bank. It is their main difference from the payment systems using cards with a magnetic strip where communication with bank in on-line mode is necessary for carrying out transactions of the account, and also from various systems of remote access.
Many economists draw analogies between electronic and cash and is suggested about gradual replacement of cash of the emitted central banks by private electronic money in the near future. The number of questions answers on which else should be found is connected with distribution of electronic money. Among them influence of issue of electronic money on the volume of money supply, ability of the central banks to carry out a credit policy by former methods, a role of a banking system in new economy, etc. In recent years these questions were actively discussed in scientific community in the West.
The purpose of the real research is studying of essence of electronic money, features of their functioning, the direction of impact of electronic money on a financial system and the analysis of practice of use of electronic payment systems worldwide.
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6. References
1. Bank of America. [Electronic resource]
2. Directive 2000/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on the taking up, pursuit of and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions. Official Journal L 275, 27/10/2000 P. 0039 – 0043. [Electronic version], http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32000L0046:EN:HTML.
3. Directive 2009/110/EC of the European parliament and of the council of 16 September 2009. [Electronic version], http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32009L0110
4. Hancock D. and David B. Humphrey, (2011).
“Payment transactions, instruments, and systems: A survey”. Journal of Banking and Finance 21, 1573– 1624.
5. Hayes T., Frisbie R. (2011).
The regulation of traditional and alternative electronic payments.
6. Monetary Authority of Singapore. [Electronic resource], http://www.mas.gov.sg/Regulations-and-Financial-Stability/Regulatory-and-Supervisory-Framework/Regulatory-Instruments-Issued-by-MAS.aspx
7. World Payments Report. Capgemini and The Royal Bank of Scotland pic (RBS).