Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Языкознание и филология
As it pointed in the research of Rastorgueva T.A., the forming of new grammatical categories of the verb and including of the new categorical members into the existed system of grammatical categories is one of the greatest events in the historical development of English language [5, p. 43].
The extension of the verb system is caused by the development of analytic forms and restructuring of the relationship between forms of the verb. Barkhudarov L.S. associated this extension with semantic and functions of grammatical categories. [1, p. 115].
During the process of development English verb system has extended not only because of forming new grammatical categories, but also because there were new categorical members formed within the categories of tense and mood. For example, we can speak about analytic development of the verbs into forms of the future tense and some new forms of subjunctive mood. So we can make a conclusion that grammatical extension caused the extension of verb paradigms.
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The relevance of my research is cause by the searching of new ways and methods to understand the nature of English verb, its grammatical categories and tense forms.
The object of my work is English language.
The subject of my work is grammatical categories of English verbs.
The aim of the work is to examine grammatical layer of English language, connected with verbs to explain the meaning of its grammatical categories – tense, development, time coordination (retrospective coordination), categories of the mood and voice. According to this point I state following problems:
Список использованной литературы
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7. Greenbaum S., Quirk R.. A Student's Grammar of the English Language. Longman, 1990. – 496 p.
8. Iriskulov A.T. Theoretical grammar of English. Tashkent, 2006. – 64 p.
… и другие источники