Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Introduction 3
Applied Linguistics 4
10 August 2014 4
1. Error Analysis in the Teaching the Foreign Language Methodology 4
1.1 Interference Between the Native Language and the Second Language 4
1.2 Hierarchy of Difficulty and Types and Causes of the Errors 6
2. Error Identification: A Fairy Tale 10
Conclusion 24
Appendix I 26
Appendix II 28
Appendix III 29
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According to the subject we can lay down the aim of our research, which is to study the specific errors made be the Spanish speaking pupil who learns English. This aim determines more specific problems of our research:
Goal: this research paper is intended to display, which errors and mistakes can be made by learners and teachers during the process of learning foreign languages, the role and causes of errors and mistakes, how teacher can correct them and when the correction is necessary.
FORE-TRANSLATION ANALYSIS(ПЕРЕВОДЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ ТЕКСТА «МАРКЕТИНГОВЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ»)……………………….. Data Analysis — Preliminary Steps ……………………………………………… 15 Discriminant Analysis …………………………………………………………… 19
There are many different ways to approach the problems of meaning, since meaning is related to many different functions of language. The meanings of words in a language are interrelated and they are defined in part by their relations with other words in the language. Analyzed in the same semantic domain, words can be classified according to shared and differentiating features. A lexeme can be analyzed and described in terms of its semantic components, which help to define different lexical relations, grammatical and syntactic processes. The semantic structure of a lexeme is treated as a system of meanings. To some extent, we can define a lexeme by telling what set it belongs to and how it differs from other members of the same set.
General Overview of Compared CompaniesOil and gas sector was one of the first to have implemented CSR practices in Russia. At all stages of the product supply activities of these companies have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, companies are paying more attention to the impact they have on society and the environment. Moreover, major CSR schemes aimed at the development of the regions were created, introduced and implemented.
In this essay the differences and similarities between two different plays based on the same biblical episode is going to be revealed and compared. The episode with Noah is very wide-known and popular in the medieval theatre. It was used as a base both in the Towneley and N-Town cycles, but the representation of the episode in these two cycles are rather different. And the main difference is, as I think, concerns the representation of the characters in both plays.
The Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have small advanced economies that are tightly connected by trade and financial linkages, which extend globally. But these structural similarities are accompanied by important differences. The export bases of Denmark, Finland and Sweden are dive
Works cited:
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Corder, S.P., Error Analysis. In Allen J.P.B. and Pit Corder (eds.).
Techniques in applied Linguistics (The Edinburh Course in Applied Linguistics).
London: Oxford University Press, 1974.
Ellis R. Understanding Second Language Acquistion, Oxford University Press, 1985.
Ellis, R. SLA Research and Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Hubbard, P., Jones, H., Thornton, B. and Wheeler, R. A Training Course for TEFL. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Richards, J.C., Plott, J. and Platt, H. Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. London: Longman, 1996.
Swan, M., Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
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