Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Менеджмент
1 Financing fundamentals in marketing
2 event marketing in activity of marketing department
2.1 Problem definition
2.2 Theoretical basis of event funding and marketing
2.3 Example of event marketing in Pelican Avto
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built attraction” [Collins and Minnis, 2007].
Target market consists of those people who travel to attend events, or who can be motivated to attend events while away from home. event tourism applies to all types of events including cultural celebrations, sport competition and various entertainment and educational events. Organization of event tourism differs from other types of tourism in a number of characteristics.
Теоретическую основу исследования составляет ряд работ, посвященных теории и практике событийного маркетинга, рассматривающий событие в рамках маркетинга и менеджмента, что позволяет разграничить данные понятия, а также определить основные характеристики данного вида продвижения продукта.
Although increasing importance of social media marketing (SMM) is now widely recognized by both marketers and academic researchers, little is known of how social media are actually used by companies in different industries and sectors, and how effective these new tools are for promotional and other marketing purposes. A relevant task for a better understanding of the new channels of marketing communications is thus to study actual SMM practices in particular industries and market conditions.One of new industries for which social media seem to be a natural choice for marketing is e-health, internally diverse industry developing new IT solutions for medical and healthcare tasks.
The issue of international marketing and financial investments in foreign markets, as well as the origin and development of multinational companies have long studied by researchers world-wide. In the last decade between the marketers and the leading economists of the country is an active debate on the theme of the ability of companies with a large scale to have a significant impact on the situation on any market, competitive activity, and stimulate scientific and technical process of the countries in which they are presented.
In the first place the company should size its possibilities deeply: whether it is ready to become a multinational company and get to the international market. The decision depends on many factors: the company must have sufficient circulating capital, its administrators and employees should have enough high proficiency, etc. But the company has to take into account other factors as well. Much turns on the nature of product the company sets out on the market. The examination of competing firms can not be underestimated. May be it is meaningless to try to sell Russian agricultural commodities in Switzerland, electronics in Japan. On the other size of coin something conceptually new must be evaluated as well, whether it would be in demand in other countries. For example, Ukrainian bacon would be scarcely in demand in Great Britain. Any way much attention should be paid to advertising, in what connection
I would like to say a few words about the organizational structure of my company. It was founded eight years ago. The company produces consumer goods. Our Managing Director runs the company. Also there are several departments at our company. The Administrative Department is responsible for personnel, IT-software and office equipment; accounting, rapid movements of finance and credit financing are taken care of by the Finance Department; The Supply and Logistics Department is in charge of purchases of raw materials and transportation services. The Sales Department is responsible for marketing. The Production Department consists of production units, the Technology Department and the Chief Mechanic Department…
The objective of the research is to study the main trends and issues used when creating urban advertising. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be completed: 1) to analyze main types of urban advertising; 2) to consider its specifics; 3) to review the notion of creativity; 4) to examine trends and issues in creative advertising.
The objective of the research is to study the main trends and issues used when creating urban advertising. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be completed: 1) to analyze main types of urban advertising; 2) to consider its specifics; 3) to review the notion of creativity; 4) to examine trends and issues in creative advertising.
The objective of the research is to study the main trends and issues used when creating urban advertising. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be completed: 1) to analyze main types of urban advertising; 2) to consider its specifics; 3) to review the notion of creativity; 4) to examine trends and issues in creative advertising.
The company develops, produces and makes installation of technical products. The Human Resources Department is responsible for selection, adaptation, personnel development and systems of motivation; management accounting and reporting are taken care of by the Finance Department; the Legal Department deals with claim correspondence, jurisprudence and analysis of the profile legislation changes.
1.International experience of event marketing assessment // International economy and International economy relation, 2010.-№ 7(68).
- p. 249-251
2.David C. Court. A New Model for Marketing // The McKinsey Quarterly, 2009, No 4, p. 4-5
3.Event Marketing – Obtaining Sponsorship and Funding//http://www.eply.com/event-marketing-obtaining-sponsorship-and-funding/
4.Dushkina M.R. PR promotion in marketing: communication and influence, techniques and psychology.-M.Infa, 2010.-318 p.
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