Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Экономика на английском языке
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The main hypothesis of that diploma thesis will be that specifically selected business plan is recommended to be launched based on the findings of fulfilled financial business plan evaluation methods. Those methods can be interpreted as:
Структура дипломной работы. Дипломная работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, содержит библиографию из
6. наименований и 3 приложения. Она изложена на 97 страницах машинописного текста (без приложений).
The findings suggested that the impact of economic development of Russia on the world economic system was great. A few possible scenarios of development of Russia’s economy in 2010-2011 were represented. The forecasts were built on the basis of a structural econometric model designed by the Institute for the Economy in Transition.
The purpose of this research is the study and analysis of strategic communication in the sphere of food retail.-explore the theoretical literature in the field of retail and undertake a situational analysis on the leading grocery chains in Russia and the United States; Object of research- economic analysis of the activities of retailers.