Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Экономика
Chapter I. Concept and types of currency risk
1.1. Place and types of currency risks in the system of commercial risks.
1.2. Virtual currency transactions and their development.
Chapter II. Current volumes and problems of international currency trade
2.1. Expert Forecasts: Expected Bond Yield Spreads and Macroeconomic Fundamentals.
2.2. Practical aspects of using the exchange reservations for foreign economic contracts of companies
Chapter 3: Practical implication of hedging currency risk in foreign trade with Russia
3.1. Hedging as the instrument of regulation of currency risks.
3.2. Practical examples of the use of hedging opportunities.
Выдержка из текста
Chapter I. Concept and types of currency risk
1.1. Place and types of currency risks in the system of commercial risks.
Currency risk (the risk of exchange rate losses) associated with the internationalization of the market, the creation of transnational (joint) enterprises, banks and diversification of their activities. These processes are accompanied by the use in the calculations under contracts of currencies of different countries.
Currency risk — the risk of losses connected with fluctuations of foreign currencies in foreign economic transactions.
The value of any commodity is determined with the help of money — the universal equivalent for exchange of goods. Therefore, the cost of money has a direct impact on all markets. For example, increasing the value of the national currency value of exported goods expressed in foreign currency, increases, there occur fluctuations in the exch
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