Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Языкознание и филология
Part I. English phraseological system
Concept of a phraseological combination of words
The basic types of phraseological units in English language
Stylistic features of English phraseology
Lingvoculturological features of English phraseological units
Part II. Figurative and expressive features of the phraseological units in the novel “Airport”
Possibilities of use of phraseological means
Role of the phraseological units in the novel “Airport”
Types of the phraseological units used in the novel “Airport”
Stylistic features phraseological units in the novel text
Jargon phraseology in the “Airport”
Выдержка из текста
Фразеология и ее стилистическое использование на примере произведения Артура Хейли "Аэропорт".
Список использованной литературы
1.Barkova L.A. Pragmatical aspect of use of phraseological units in advertising texts: Abstract Ph.D. thesis of candidate of philological science. M. 1983.
2.Bradley H. The Making of English: McMillan and Co. Ltd. L., 1937.
3.Fedosov I.A. Functional and stylistic differentiation of Russian phraseology. M., 1977.
4.Galperin I.R. Stylistics. M., 1971. P. 313.
5.Gurevich A.J. A sketch of medieval culture. М., 1980.
6.Koonin AY. Phraseological Dictionary. M., 1954.
7.Kozhina M.N, Duskaeva L.R. Salimovsky V.A. Stylistics of Russian language. М., 2008.
8.Kunin A.V. English-Russian phraseological dictionary. M., 1967.
9.Kusmin S.S. Russian-English dictionary for the translators. M., 2001.
10.Litvinov P.P. English-Russian dictionary with a thematic classification. M., 2000.
11.McKnight G.H. English Words and Their Background. N.Y.-L., 1931.
12.Nikolenko L.V. Leksikology and phraseology of modern Russian. М., 2005.
13.Sannikov V. Z. Russian language in a mirror of language game. М., 2002.
14.Shansky N.M. Phraseology of modern Russian. Spb. 1996.
15.Skrebnev Y.M. Fundamentals of English Stylistics. M., 2000.
16.Telija V.N. Russian phraseology: Semantic, pragmatical and lingvoculturological aspects. М, 1996.
17.The phraseological dictionary of Russian / Under the editorship of A.I. Molotkov. М, 1978.