Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Языки (переводы)
Contents 2
1 Different Types of Advertising Strategies 5
1.1 Local and Global Advertising Strategies 7
1.2 Local and Global Advertising Strategies, Branding and Globalization 9
2 Global and Local Advertising Strategies' Impact on Branding 14
2.1 Global Advertising Strategies' Impact on Branding 17
2.2 Adaptation of advertisement design in the global context 20
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Advertising is a part of our everyday life; it is so usual that sometimes we can even take no notice of it. If we think about Advertising as a term, then it is normally understand as a form of marketing communication which one uses to manipulate an audience to take or continue to take some action. An audience can be viewers of different types, some kinds of readers or even listeners or, what is less common, a specific group. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. However, political and ideological advertising is also commonly used and the type of this work is included in affective labor.
Nowadays international companies implement global marketing strategies to achieve efficiency of operations, competitiveness and orientation on the consumers of different culture. However, they distinguish global and local advertising strategies to achieve the goals of the better sales, in other words, different companies create and study various advertising approaches to keep the product prominent with consumers. Advertising approaches refer to strategic ways to support advertisers to deliver advertisements to their customers in a selected media channel.
Thus the subject of our research is the advertising strategies which are especially important for nowadays advertising and branding.
According to the subject we can lay down the aims of our research, which is to study various advertising strategies, their selection criteria and impact on branding. This aims determine more specific problems of our research:
- to describe advertising strategies as a part of Branding and International Marketing;
- to define global and local advertising strategies;
- to study global and local advertising strategies impact on Branding;
- to study Adaptation of advertisement design in the global context.
Thus, we can conclude that the object of our research is the global and local advertising strategies selection criteria and impact on branding.
According to the subject, the aims and the problems of our research we use several research methods in our work such as theory as a system of logically interconnected statements, formalization and introspection.
This research consists of the contents, the introduction, two chapters, the conclusion and the list of used literature.
Список использованной литературы
Works Cited
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