Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Экономика
Chapter 1.Global financial crisis: overview
1.1.The financial crisis in US (2007-2008)
1.2.The impact of the financial crisis on different countries (2007-2010)
Chapter 2.Global financial crisis: mechanisms of transmission
2.1.Various mechanisms of the crisis transmission
2.2.The World Bank: response to the financial crisis
2.3.The policy response to the financial crisis
2.4.Public-private partnership: the mechanisms of the crisis transmission
2.5.Financial sector regulation: crisis lessons
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The financial rate was falling down till the point “zero”, the inflation and prices were rising, the position of dollar wasn’t such important anymore as before.The Financial Crisis 2007-2009 was caused by the line of causes including bank failures, changes of income, increase in public debt, a lot of loans and some global consequences.
The analysis of the Bulgarian research system has shown that it has stagnated in recent years following a prolonged period of downsizing, facing a lot of restructuring challenges, as well as very low investment in R&D in the 1990s. Bulgaria faces most of the challenges described in the Green Paper «The European Research Area: New Perspectives». The country’s EU accession has promoted the process of setting up modern governance institutions though often their existence remains mostly «on paper» with little effect on R&D policy implementation. A particularly persistent weakness of the Bulgarian R&D system re-mains the very low participation of the private sector in R&D expenditures. Bulgaria faces challenges in all four domains presented in this report, including in the coordination and coherence between them, but low R&D expenditures coupled with the increasing deficit of qualified R&D personnel are probably the biggest and hardest of them.
First of all, one should note that the term financial crisis means a variety of situations when some financial institutions suddenly lose money. Now it exists around the world. Surveys say that people spend less money on Christmas presents than in previous year. Many companies, organizations, banks and firms became bankrupts. There are a lot of people who discuss the financial crisis. It is discussed everywhere: on TV, in newspapers, magazines and Internet. But different people have different opinions about it. For example, one says that you should keep your money in rubles, but the others argue and say that it is better to do in Euro. The economic events have validated these concerns. The world has learned that ‘hot money’ can flow out of a country as rapidly as it flowed in. The result has been a financial crisis that has devastated lives around the world. Financial inconstancy is bringing massive economic breakdown, insecurity, increased poverty, unemployment and population shifts in some areas. The financial crisis teaches people to save money (not to spend it on trifles).
As for my opinion, I think that our government can quite soon solve this problem.
The European sovereign debt crisis and high debt in most of the developed world have been the main focus of global macroeconomic risks. But a big driver of global growth is demographics, which will weigh on productive capacity and on government finances. Europe is currently the biggest risk to the global economy. At this point, the dissolution of the eurozone is a remote possibility. The cost of disintegration, relative to the benefit, would be too high for the member countries and the world. The European debt crisis has more to do with the lack of fiscal union than it has to do with debt. The proposals presented at the December 9 EU summit are positive steps toward a fiscal union and necessary for survival of the region
В эмпирической части работы построена математическая модель, объясняющая зависимость между объемом трансграничных обязательств в развивающейся стране и величиной обменного курса национальной валюты этой страны по отношению к доллару США. По результатам анализа было выявлено, что величина обменного курса национальной валюты развивающейся страны отрицательно влияет на объем трансграничных банковских обязательств в регионах сильно зависимых от волатильности обменного курса; в регионах с относительно невысокой зависимостью показателей финансовой деятельности от колебаний курса национальной валюты, влияние динамики обменного курса национальной валюты на динамику трансграничных банковских обязательств положительное.
Со временем возникла необходимость перехода от одномерной модели GARCH к многомерной, которая была продиктована тем, что для тестирования CAPM (и не только) необходимо достаточно большое число активов (акций, облигаций).
В результате, многомерная модель GARCH давала возможность исследовать на более глубоком уровне многие феномены фондового рынка, в частности, она позволила проводить достаточно эффективные тесты CAPM.
1.Abadie, Richard. Infrastructure finance: surviving the credit crunch / Talking Points. London: Public Sector Research Centre – PricewaterhouseCoopers. August, 2008,
2.Angelides, Demos, and Yannis Xenidis. PPP Infrastructure Investments: Critical Aspects and Prospects / in Policy, Finance and Management for Public-Private Partnerships / ed. by A. Akintola and M. Beck. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009,
3.Ben Steverman and David Bogoslaw. The Financial Crisis Blame Game – BusinessWeek. / BusinessWeek. October 18, 2008.
4.Boorman, Jack. The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Emerging Market Economies: The Transmission Mechanism, Policy Response and Lessons / Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum. Mumbai, India, June 23, 2009.
5.Davies, Paul. A Review of Lending Appetite for Public Private Partnership Financings / Talking Points. London: Public Sector Research Centre – PricewaterhouseCoopers. January, 2009.
6.Davis Polk Financial Crisis Manual. A Guide to the Laws, Regulations and Contracts of the Financial Crisis. September, 2009.
7.Estache, Antonio, Ellis Juan, and Lourdes Trujillo. Public-Private Partnerships in Transport / Policy Research Working Paper. Washington: World Bank, 2008.
8.Funnell, Warwick N. In government we trust: market failure and the delusions of privatisation / Warwick Funnell, Robert Jupe and Jane Andrew. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2009.
9.International Monetary Fund. Public Investment and Public-Private Partnerships: Addressing Infrastructure Challenges and Managing Fiscal Risks. Fiscal Affairs Department. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2008.
10.JC Coffee. What went wrong? An initial inquiry into the causes of the 2008 financial crisis. Journal of Corporate Law Studies 1. 9(1), 2009.
11.Kaul, Nitasha. The economics of turning people into things. / Open Democracy. 20 April, 2009.
12.Kolb, Robert. Lessons from the Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and Our Economic Future. Wiley. 2010.
13.Lahart, Justin. Egg Cracks Differ In Housing, Finance Shells / The Wall Street Journal, 2008.
14.Markus Brunnermeier. Deciphering the liquidity and credit crunch 2007-2008. Journal of Economic Perspectives 23 (1), 2009.
15.Morgenson, Gretchen. Raters Ignored Proof of Unsafe Loans, Panel Is Told. / The New York Times. September 26, 2010.
16.Nissanke, Machiko. Commodity and Financial Market Linkages in Transmission of the Global Financial Crisis to the Developing World. Department of Economics School of Oriental and African Studies. London. University of London. 2009.
17.Strauss Kahn D. A systemic crisis demands systemic solutions / The Financial Times. September 25, 2008.
18.The American housing crisis / Susan Hunnicutt, book editor. Farmington Hills, Michigan, Greenhaven Press, 2009.
19.Williams, Mark T. Uncontrolled Risk: The Lessons of Lehman Brothers and How Systemic Risk Can Still Bring Down the World Financial System. Mcgraw-Hill. March, 2010.
20.Ye, Sudong. Patterns of Financing PPP Projects / in Policy, Management and Finance of Public-Private partnerships / ed. by A. Akintola and M. Beck. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
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