Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Педагогика
Разработка «India Uses Railway as a Mobile Science Classroom»
Упражнения до прослушивания
1. Read the transcription of these words and try to write their correct spelling (Прочитайте слова по транскрипции и подумайте о том, как они правильно пишутся).
['reɪlweɪ], ['pæs(ə)nʤə], ['juːtɪlaɪz], ['jʌŋ(k)stə], ['mekənɪz(ə)m], [ə'weənəs], [ˌeksɪ'bɪʃ(ə)n], ['saɪən(t)s]
2. Choose the correct translation for the word in italics (Выберите подходящий перевод для слов, выделенных курсивом).
1) He wanted to provide his family with all the necessary facilities, he had to work hard.
a) обеспечить b) приобрести c) устроить
2) This fast train can take you to the remotest corners of the world in no time.
a) дальний b) далекий c) отдаленный
3) This train stops in several locations and new passengers can get on.
a) местностях b) районах c) местах
4) This railway network stretches all over the country.
a) тянется b) растягивается c) вытягивается
5) It is important to reverse the processes that damage our environment.
a) отразить b) обратить вспять c) развернуть
6) Not everybody gets this rare opportunity to study in a prestigious international college.
a) эксклюзивный b) исключительный c) редкий
Выдержка из текста
Разработка «Passenger Railway Cars»
1. Match these types of railway cars with their description (Сопоставьте данные виды вагонов с их описаниями).
A dining car A passenger car for day travel
An observation car A car with meals
A disco car A car with two floors
A parlour car A usual car with rows of seats
A double deck car A car with beds of one kind or another
A cinema car A car with good scenery views
A standard-gauge car A car with music and space for dancing
A sleeping car A car where you can watch films
2. Listen to the text and say in what order the cars from Exercise 1 are mentioned in the recording (Прослушайте текст и скажите, в каком порядке в нем упоминаются виды вагонов из Упражнения 1).
3. Listen to the text again and say if the following statements are true or false (Прослушайте текст снова и определите, верны или нет данные утверждения).
1. Passenger cars are also called coaches.
2. Standard-gauge cars can be fitted with tables.
3. Passenger cars can take the electricity supply only from one main source.
4. Modern cars still do not have air-conditioning.
5. Cars with variations also exist, but they are not used for long journeys.
6. Observation cars are used for scientific purposes.
7. Sleeping cars are fitted with small bedrooms.
8. Connection with gangways is hardly ever used today.
9. Many multiple unit trains consist of cars which are semi-permanently coupled into sets.
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