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September 25, 1969 in the Moroccan capital Rabat at the International Conference of the Heads of Islamic States, in accordance with the final decisions of the Conference "Organization of the Islamic Conference" was established on a permanent basis as a single center, the objectives of which activities the following objectives were stated:
1. Coordination of the efforts of some Islamic states in the struggle for the recognition of its territorial integrity and independence,
2. The struggle against colonialism and neo-Western "power centers"
3. The fight against the criminal policy of forced democratization of the Eastern Islamic states along the western democratic model
4. The fight against the policy of "humanitarian intervention"
5. The fight against financial dictates in relation to the Islamic countries.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the Islamic countries have decided to form a united front and to legitimize it in the system of international relations.
In June 2011, in the capital of Kazakhstan was held in Astana next working session of foreign ministers — members of the conference "Organization of the Islamic Conference" was renamed "Organization of Islamic Cooperation", headquarters — which is placed on a flat in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Russian Federation is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation as an observer, the same status within the organization has a number of international organizations, associations and movements, for example — the United Nations, the International Non-Aligned Movement and others.
At present, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the rights of independent members or associate members, have observer status within the organization, including 57 independent countries of the world.
Список использованной литературы
Literature — electronic resources of the Internet:
1. Access code: http://www.oic-oci.org/oicv 3/home/?lan=en
2. Access code: http://www.oic-oci.org/oicv 3/topic/?t_id=11124&t_ref=4376&lan=en
3. Access code: http://mishmar.info/blijnevostochnie-taieni-ssha-4.html
4. Access code: http://mishmar.info/blijnevostochnie-taieni-ssha-3.html
5. Access code: http://mishmar.info/blijnevostochnie-taieni-ssha-2.html