Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Английский продвинутый
Chapter 1. Russia’s participation in international security…………………….6
1.1 Russia’s new security and military policy after 2014……….…………… 6
1.2 Tools and levers of Russia’s security policy ……………………………… 8
Chapter 2. The relationships EU and Russia in international security institutions …………………………………………………………………………..15
2.1 Russia’s diplomatic activism ……………………….……………………15
2.2 Russia’s vision of the European Union………………………………….18
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The findings suggested that the impact of economic development of Russia on the world economic system was great. A few possible scenarios of development of Russia’s economy in 2010-2011 were represented. The forecasts were built on the basis of a structural econometric model designed by the Institute for the Economy in Transition.
The purpose of the research work: to work out the recommendations for improving the tax legislation and for reducing of the state participation in the oil and gas industry in order to involve the international investments.
В качестве методологической базы исследования были использованы методы сравнительного, структурного, функционального анализа, кроме этого особое значение приобретают методы анализа политических процессов, так как нефтегазовый фактор в настоящее время имеет очень сильную политическую направленность. Также использованы и общенаучные методы — анализа, индукции и дедукции, и методы политического прогнозирования.
For example, to prepare a high jumper, having a chance to medal in 2012, must be at least roughly to know as early as 2005, the level at which the fight will take place at these competitions. If among the jumper will win medals athletes who have overcome the bar at a height of 2,55-2,60 and the average age of the champions and finalists of the Olympic Games in the sport is 1921, then in 2005 to take stock of 13-14 -year-old capable of jumpers and prepare them to conquer this height.At present, the major institutions are special research units (laboratories, sectors), whose responsibilities include the development of forecasts in the field of physical culture and sports.
Poverty reduction is also an important task. However hard her accent to some extent disorienting in relation to the main direction of growth of welfare of citizens. As is known, to reduce poverty and the increase in benefits and compensation, that is, of course, you must do so, for both those, and others are at a low enough level. But the main thing is different – the creation of employment and increase the incomes of the working population, to strengthen the incentives for productivity growth and production in General
Given the unprecedented post-Soviet slump, "doubling the GDP" in a relatively short time, of course, necessary but not in itself and in unity with positive structural shifts in the economy [3].
The process of globalization naturally leads to the cooperative work in the international political, economic and professional organizations, participation in international forums and conferences, to the work in multinational companies and exchanging of experience in industrial and professional fields.Corporate (or organizational) culture as a form of society’s culture manifestation is created and operates according to the same laws as any other social culture but has its own specific. The concept of corporate culture is quite new for Russia but it is for a long time and actively studied abroad.