Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Логистика
Introduction 3
1. chain management and Logistics">supply chain management 6
1. 1. Definition and characteristics of supply chain, participants 6
1.2. What is supply chain management, its objectives, principles and features 15
1.3. Application of supply chain management to the organization 17
1.4. The role of logistics in supply chain management 18
2. Third-party logistics 29
2.1. Definition and characteristics of 3PL 29
2.2. The growth and types of third-party logistics services providers 33
2.3. An outlook of services provided by 3PL 36
2.4. 3PL firms compared to other logistics firms (1PL, 2PL, 4PL, 5PL) 37
2.5. The advantages and disadvantages of hiring logistics service providers 39
2.6. Cooperation between 3PL providers (alliances) 43
3. The role of third-party logistics in supply chain management 46
3.1. Interactive effects of 3PL and SCM 46
3.2. The functions of 3PL in SCM 48
3.3. Factors to concern when selecting a 3PL service provider 48
3.4. Problems associated with use of 3PL providers 56
Conclusion 60
Reference list 61
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The development of modern means of transportation, information systems, communica-tions and telecommunications systems opens up great opportunities for the rapid spread of in-formation technology products and financial resources. Competitive advantages associated with the development of scientific and technological progress, gradually began to lose its primacy, and on the first place out new competitive advantages — flexibility, limited delivery times, reliable delivery and quality, choice.
From the manufacturer's market economy has shifted to a buyer's market. The ability of manufacturers to combine the individual consumer preferences with their production planning system and will be a decisive factor in the competition and the economy of the future. Rapid changes in consumer preferences, their requests regarding the quality of delivery of the products lead to the need to reduce the timing and volume of deliveries, reducing stockpiles of time and materials. Solve the problem of individual customer orders only by means of a flexible produc-tion management system.
First, it would require the introduction of new, modern concepts of production manage-ment, such as: CFM — Customer Focused Manufacturing (production of consumer-oriented), SCM — Supply Chain Management (Supply Chain Management), and based on these concepts Technologies: ERP — Enterprise Resource Planning (enterprise resource planning), CRM — Cus-tomer Relationship Management (Customer Relationship Management), etc .; supply manage-ment, simultaneous with the production, distribution and effective, based on interaction with lo-gistics intermediaries (ISPs).
Secondly, with the strengthening of integration processes between the two countries have an opportunity to place production in countries with lower labor costs and lower tax rates. De-velopment of international trade opened up access to cheaper resources. These factors contribute to the development of transnational corporations using business global supply chains and chan-nels, which, in turn, become more complex and require more qualified and integrated manage-ment.
Third, given the points mentioned above, it is required to optimize the transport system at both the micro and macro levels. Integrated development of transport infrastructure is based on the standardization systems of cargo, vehicles, loading and unloading mechanisms, determines the power traffic and speed of delivery, expansion of the network of roads and railways, improv-ing service.
Fourth, an increasing role information exchange, since the marketing information and fin-ishing specifications. Businesses need to interact in a single information space, where information comes in the right form at the right time, in the right instance in the form of authentic, protected from unauthorized use. Without information and computer support, logistics management would be impossible the implementation of most logistics concepts, the development of e-commerce.
The difference from traditional logistic approach is the integration of (technical, techno-logical, information and economic) of individual links conductive materials chain into a single system through the management of material and information flows in order to achieve the de-sired results with minimal time and resources.
The introduction of modern logistics management at the enterprise provides: reduction of inventory and the associated capital, high availability of goods to delivery, reducing lead times and improving quality, increasing production flexibility, reduced production costs, to accelerate the turnover of capital. This ensures reduction of production costs and improving the quality of supply — a decisive competitive advantage in the Russian market.
The purpose of the logistics process formulated the basic rule of logistics — the rule « 7R»: the right product (right product) required quality (right quality) in the required number (right quantity) to be delivered at the right time (right time) and in the right place (right place) customer needs (right customer) with the required cost (right cost).
Failure of even one of the above conditions can lead to loss of customers and, accordingly, a certain share of the market.
In addition to reducing operating, including logistics costs, one of the main strategies of the enterprise becomes the concentration on priority lines of business and operations. This con-tributes to the rational allocation of resources of the enterprise on the types of businesses that are competitive and in which the company has certain advantages (technology, know-how and spe-cial equipment, trained staff).
This approach is called the Western practice of the definition of "core competence» (core competence).
In connection with this increasingly common in the world takes on outsourcing (out-sourcing).
The term "outsourcing" means a reduction or waiver of its own business process is usually not a key (not the profile) and / or non-profitable for the company and its transfer to spe-cialized companies. It allows the company to focus on its core business.
Not long ago, logistics would hardly be mentioned in the long-term plans of even major companies; now its strategic role is recognized in almost every organization. There are many reasons for this change. Communications and information technology are offering new opportu-nities; world trade is growing; new markets and sources of materials are developing; relative costs of services and materials are changing; and there is increasing concern for the environment.
Logistics has responded to these changes – and played a major role in accomplishing some of them. As a result it has evolved into a single, integrated function that is responsible for all aspects of material movement. With this broad view, logistics includes all the activities that are needed to ensure a smooth journey of materials from original suppliers, through supply chains and on to final customers. In a global market, companies do not compete solely as individuals but as part of an entire supply chain, and strategic managers must consider the whole supply chain and fully understand global forces and relevant trends when making operational decisions. Global market forces, in general, motivate a company to seek a larger market for its goods or services. Technological forces generally ease barriers to globalization or require global operations strategies in order to access cutting edge technology. Global cost forces seek reduces or shared costs through high quality, lower total cost global production sites.
Supply chain management becomes more and more powerful force for companies. It’s extremely important to understand what supply chain is and how to manage it.
In modern economy, companies of service industry are gradually becoming more profita-ble than those of manufacturing, especially in developed countries where service industry ac-counts for most of their GDP. This tendency is topical for logistics industry, too, with more companies involved in value-adding services, such as transportation, marketing, planning, sales, warehousing etc.
Another visible economic trend is outsourcing. Saving costs is one of key competitive advantages for companies. In logistics industry, especially on automobile transport, competition level is very high so companies prefer outsourcing, for example, renting cars instead of owning them and, as a result, having to pay for their maintenance. Third-party logistics is a total product of the outsourcing trend aiming to solve all these problems and eventually to save costs.
There are heated debates in supply chain management industry concerning 3PL and its difference from 2-, 4- and even 5PL.However, we cannot deny that Third Party Logistics provid-ers (3PLs) have grown tremendously in recent years as the dynamic of getting goods to market has evolved. In days past, entering a market meant making a significant investment in facilities and infrastructure to ensure the effective delivery of the product. Today, 3PLs can handle every step of the process, liberating time and resources to focus on selling the product itself.
The 3PLs of today can provide a much broader range of services than they used to. It used to be that their primary focus was on warehousing and shipping, so if you sent them your product they would store it and ship it for you. Now, 3PLs can handle almost your entire busi-ness. This includes not only the complete supply chain cycle, but also such functions as customer service, order management, sales support, e-commerce and IT integration. In fact, there are very few aspects of business that a 3PL cannot take care of and in many cases, they have technology and resources that you may not, so you get the benefit of top-tier tech without the investment.
This study sets its sights on coming up with an overview of the current state of 3PL in-dustry.
Список использованной литературы
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2. APICS Dictionary, 8th edition, 1995. Waters. Global Logistics and Distribution Planning: Strategies for Management, 2003.
3. Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, 1998.
4. Harland, C.M. (1996) Supply Chain Management, Purchasing and Supply Manage-ment, Logistics, Vertical Integration, Materials Management and Supply Chain Dynamics. In: Slack, N (ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Operations Management. UK: Blackwell.
5. Hertz, Susanne; Monica Alfredsson (February 2003).
"Strategic development of third party logistics providers". Industrial Marketing Management (Elsevier Science).
6. Implementation of the strategy development and work 3PL-provider practice LLC «ILG» — magazine "Logistics» № 2, 2011.
7. Joel Sutherland of J.B. Hunt Logistics, Inc.
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9. Simchi-Levi and Kaminsky, Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies, third edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition.
10. Supply Chain Management Terms and Glossary; The Council of Supply Man-agement Professionals, 2013.
11. Third-Party Logistics Providers Are Shrinking in Number, Growing in Size; Forbes, 6 March 2014.
12. Third Party Logistics Services Explained, The Different Types of 3PLs, and The Various Levels of Outsourcing; Adam Robinson, 7 February 2014, cerasis.com.
13. 3PL vs 4PL: What are these PLs, Anyway? Layers of Logistics Explained; Steve Norall, 8 August 2013, cerasis.com.
14. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-difference-between-supply-chain-and-logistics.htm
15. http://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/the-7-characteristics-of-the-next-gen-supply-chain
16. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/scm.asp
17. http://www.supplychain 247.com/paper/the_7_principles_of_supply_chain_management
18. http://www.itinfo.am/eng/supply-chain-management/
19. http://www.dhl.com/en.html