Пример готовой курсовой работы по предмету: Экономика
Development of tourism in Finland
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More recently, food and drink in connection with tourism have been recognized as an important research and study of the subject. Furthermore, they are now considered as part of the character and culture purposes. Tourists can experience it in different ways, such as visiting local restaurants, gourmet fairs or festivals, markets, cooking classes, gourmet cuisine, food trips and beverage manufactures, and many others [8].
However, this area of research is still developing, and Hall and Sharples (2003) emphasize the lack of food in the area of tourism research. This makes it difficult to make food tourists demographic indicators. In addition, he believes that the information that there is trivial. Nevertheless, there are individual demographic profiles of independent studies [6].
built attraction” [Collins and Minnis, 2007].
Target market consists of those people who travel to attend events, or who can be motivated to attend events while away from home. event tourism applies to all types of events including cultural celebrations, sport competition and various entertainment and educational events. Organization of event tourism differs from other types of tourism in a number of characteristics.
Развитие международного курортного туризма на современном этапе: основные тенденции и перспективы.
The analysis of the Bulgarian research system has shown that it has stagnated in recent years following a prolonged period of downsizing, facing a lot of restructuring challenges, as well as very low investment in R&D in the 1990s. Bulgaria faces most of the challenges described in the Green Paper «The European Research Area: New Perspectives». The country’s EU accession has promoted the process of setting up modern governance institutions though often their existence remains mostly «on paper» with little effect on R&D policy implementation. A particularly persistent weakness of the Bulgarian R&D system re-mains the very low participation of the private sector in R&D expenditures. Bulgaria faces challenges in all four domains presented in this report, including in the coordination and coherence between them, but low R&D expenditures coupled with the increasing deficit of qualified R&D personnel are probably the biggest and hardest of them.
Цель реферата: раскрытие особенностей денежной системы Финляндии.Объект реферата: организация денежного обращения.Предмет реферата: особенности денежной системы Финляндии.Для реализации цели реферата нами поставлены следующие
Международное культурное сотрудничество на примере деятельности Института Финляндии в Санкт-Петербурге
List of literature
1Financial support forTourism and Commercein Finland//www. ec.europa.eu
2Finland’s TourismStrategy to 2020//www.mek.fi
3Key tourism sector operators in Finland//www.tem.fi
4Nature tourism in Finland:Development Possibilities and Constraints//http://www.openspace.eca.ac.uk
5Novikov V.S. Innovatoon in tourism.-М.: Akademia, 2010. — 208 p.
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