Ответы на билеты по предмету: Английский продвинутый (Пример)
Часть 1.
1. The definition of language. The distinction between language and speech
2. Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory of bilateral lingual units
3. Segmental and supra-segmental units. The levels of lingual units
4. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations between lingual units
5. The three basic subsystems of the language
6. The plane of content and the plane of expression. Synonymy and homonymy in grammar
7. The notions of diachrony and synchrony in grammar
8. The definition of the morpheme. The word and the morpheme
9. Traditional classification of morphemes. Allo-emic theory
10. Other classifications of morphemes
11. Grammatical category. Grammatical meaning. Grammatical form
12. The theory of oppositions. The types of oppositions in morphology
13. The notion of a part of speech. Criteria for differentiating the classes of words. The classification of parts of speech
14. The syntactico-distributional classification of words (Ch. Fries)
15. The field approach in the classification of parts of speech
16. The categorial meaning of the noun. Formal characteristics of the noun. Syntactic functions of the noun
17. The noun as an attribute (“the cannon ball problem”)
18. The grammatical peculiarities of different groups of nouns
19. The category of gender in English
20. The problem of the category of case in English
21. The category of number
22. The category of article determination
23. Time and tense in English
24. Verb: aspect
25. Verb: person and number
26. The category of mood. Mood and modality
27. The category of voice
28. Sentence: Actual division of the sentence
Часть 2.
1. Verb: Non-finite forms (verbals)
2. Adjective. The category of comparison. Synthetical and analytical forms of the degrees of comparison; the problem of their grammatical status
3. Adverb. Its formal and functional characteristics
4. Basic units of syntax: phrase and sentence. Traditional classification of phrases. Nominative classification of phrases
5. Simple sentence. The traditional classification of notional parts
6. Compound sentence. Types of connections in compound sentences. Grammatical structure of a compound sentence
7. Complex sentences. Types of complex sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory).
Subject, predicative, object, attributive clauses.
8. Complex sentence: adverbial clauses of place, time, result, causal and conditional clauses.
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Цель данной работы — проследить, каким образом происходило развитие такого направления, как научная грамматика, а также на примере произведений современной художественной литературы определить влияние научной грамматики на английский язык в современности.
Языковым материалом исследования послужили англоязычный художественный текст книги Дж. Роулинг "Случайная вакансия" (J.K. Rоwling, "The casual vacancy", 2012), а также англоязычных романов и их переводов на русский Дж. Конрад "Лорд Джим" ("Lord Jim", J. Conrad), С. Моэм "Дождь" ("Rain" W.S. Maugham).