Пример готового реферата по предмету: Языки (переводы)
Introduction 3
Theoretical part 4
Practical part 8
Conclusion 9
List of references 10
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It is believed that we learn our culture only through the knowledge of other cultures. It is therefore necessary to compare and analyze their underlying values and beliefs.
The most important thing to understand about American is probably their commitment to individualism. They have been trained since very early in his life, to consider themselves as individuals, who are responsible for their own situations in their life and their own destiny. They were not trained to see themselves as members of a cohesive, are closely interdependent family, a religious group, tribe, nation or another group. On the contrary, Russians find themselves as part of a group. They always have some kind of attachment, particularly in family relations.
Another distinctive difference is relation to changes in the future. Americans, as a rule, less worried about the history and traditions, not the people of the old societies. “History does not matter”, many of them will say. “This is a future that counts.” They look forward. People from many other cultures and Russian, have a pronounced respect to the past. In those cultures future is in the hands of fate, God, or at least a few powerful people or families that dominate in society.
Time is also of great importance in the USA. For Americans, time is a resource, such as water or carbon which can be used well or badly. “Time is money”. Thus, Americans admire a well organized person, one who has written a list of things to do, and schedule of their implementation. The ideal person is punctual and is respecting other people. Russians are more likely to perceive time as something that’s just there around them, not something they can use.
Values and beliefs that we specify as a national can be found all over the world. But what is plausible in the USA is not quite acceptable in Russia. While Americans value of one concept in Russia, he did not pay attention.
Список использованной литературы
List of references
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7. Kohls L. Robert. The Values Americans Live By, URL: http://www.uri.edu/mind/VALUES2.pdf
8. Rothkopf D. In Praise of Cultural Imperialism? — «Foreign Policy», summer 2007, № 107.
9. Schuck Peter H. Understanding America: The Anatomy of an Exceptional Nation, URL: http://www.law.yale.edu/news/6883.htm
10. Stephanson, Anders. Manifest Destiny: American Expansionism and the Empire of Right. New York: Hill and Wang, 2005.