Пример готового реферата по предмету: Языки (переводы)
1 Interview Set Up & Methods 2
2 Interview plan and process 3
3 Interview/Evaluation Form 3
4 Interview plan checklist 4
List of references 6
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1 InterviewSetUp&Methods;
Interview is one of the most widespread methods of selection and performance reviews. Interview is one of the most labor-intensive processes, demanding good preparation of interviewer.
Interview should be structured, i.e. conversation has to be led according to plan where subjects and questions to the applicant are defined. Such interview is recommended for an assessment of professional skills. To prepare questions of the structured interview we usedjob description. (Dedro, 2011, p. 32)
This plan of interview is developed for preliminary (selection) interview, i.e. the first meeting with the applicant. The main task is to receive the most objective assessment of qualities:
1) to estimate, how this candidate is suitable for an estimated position (to carry out an assessment of professional suitability of the applicant (his professional knowledge and skills, business, individual and psychological and psychophysiological qualities);
2) to define, how this applicant is allocated from other candidates (what qualities and skills prevail and what is needed for further development; as far as these qualities are important for position; whether further career growth is possible; whether position is a "step forward" for the applicant or he "outgrew" current position);
3) to establish, whether information provided by the candidate (only the primary assessment of reliability of information means) is authentic.(Birusova , 2011, p. 11)
Degree of interest of the candidate in concrete job position and his potential for our organization becomes clear during preliminary interview.
In world practice of HS following methods of selection interviews are used:
- British method (personal meeting with the candidate);
- Chinese method (written examination tests);
- German method (preliminary preparation by the candidate of written documents, recommendation letters, etc.);
- American method (psychological testing for checking mental abilities, and estimation behavior of candidate in an informal situation).
We use the British method and elements of the American method connected with testing of candidates.
Organization form interview is individual. Individual interview suppose that one interviewer works separately with each new applicant that allows to come into the strongest contact. Confidential relations are appeared between them that help to discuss detailed and careful all necessary subjects. However the situation when an interviewer, being under impression of the previous candidates, is possible, interviewers subjectively estimate the next competitor as against the predecessors he can look "faintly" or, on the contrary
Список использованной литературы
List of references
Dedro J. HR-manager //Kadrovik, 2011, N 2
Birusova O. HR in company, 2011.-N 6
Chuncheva T. Interview: preparation and carrying out.-M.:Infa-M, 2011.- 218 p.